Beyond The Roses - Monica James Page 0,42

you’re free. Let’s grab a beer.”

The continuous beeps announcing the end of the call resonate against my hammering heart. What’s so special about that date? But more importantly, what’s happening on that day? A thousand different scenarios flick through my mind, and my pulse suddenly spikes.

Why does a net of trepidation loom over me?

Freud barks, shaking me from my head. “I’m just paranoid,” I mumble under my breath to no one in particular. “He could be doing a thousand things, like fumigating his house for bugs or getting a haircut.”

However, my reasons fall flat, and I frown.

I wake to a big sloppy lick being delivered to my right cheek. With a yelp, I pop my eyes open, which only encourages Freud to continue lapping at my face. “You’re such a goofball.”

“But a lovable goofball.” I jolt upward, almost winding myself. Roman chuckles, the sound warming my insides.

“When did you get here?” I ask. After my walk, I came back here and collapsed on Roman’s couch.

“About an hour ago.”

“Why didn’t you wake me?” The blush creeps up my neck.

He clucks his tongue. “And interrupt the resonance of nature? I think not. I never knew there were so many sounds a human nose could produce.”

The blush transforms into an inferno, and I cover my face, mortified.

Roman chuckles once again.

His touch is warm as his fingers clasp my wrist, drawing my hands downward.

Meeting his eyes, I feel a tad better when a lopsided smirk tugs at his lips.

“So I snore? I’ve never slept beside anyone before, so I wouldn’t know.” My attempt to be sassy has me closing my mouth and pressing my lips together.

Roman reads my discomfort, and in true Roman fashion, he eases the blow. “You also drool…but who’s keeping score?”

A laugh escapes me, and this time, instead of hiding, I lash out and playfully slap his arm.

“How was work?”

“It was okay. I was at St. Mary’s hospital, not Strawberry Fields.”

“How long have you worked there?”

“About four years.”

“Between that and Strawberry Fields, when do you get any downtime?”

“I don’t,” he replies evenly. When my lips dip into a frown, he shakes his head. “I’ve chosen this life. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“I know, it just sounds so…”


I avert my gaze. “No, I was going to say lonely.”

Silence fills the space between us, and I worry I’ve overstepped a line.

“Knowing I’ve helped so many people is all the company I need. And besides, who wants to be tied to someone like me?”

I can’t believe my ears.

“I brought over your pills and a change of clothes. But I see you’ve made other arrangements.” Gingerly meeting his eyes, I breathe a sigh of relief when he doesn’t appear angry that I raided his room.

“Your pills are in the bathroom.”

I nod and make my way down the hall.

Hunting through the bottles, I tap out two pills and toss them down my throat. Turning on the faucet, I cup a handful of water and drink it down. The sting is still there, but I know that’s all in my head.

Just as I pad down the hallway, I hear Roman speaking to someone in a hushed tone.

I pause, midstride, and lean against the wall. I shouldn’t eavesdrop, but the temptation is too great, especially when I hear who is at the door.

“Tamara, now isn’t a good time.”

“Why not? I know you have the afternoon off.”

“That I do, which is precisely the reason now isn’t a good time. I have errands to run.”

“Maybe I could help?” I almost feel sorry for her. The heart wants what the heart wants, and Tamara can’t help that, regardless of the brush-offs, she wants Roman.

“Thank you, but I’d rather do it alone.”

“Have I done something wrong?” The hurt is clear in her tone.

“No, of course not.” The annoyance is clear in his.

“Then why are you giving me the cold shoulder? I understand you’re emotionally unavailable, you have been for years, but I thought things would change. You’ve erected this wall around yourself and won’t let anyone in.”


“No, not this time. It’s my turn to talk. I like you. I have for some time. You know this. What more can I do to prove my feelings for you are real?”

Wow, I really am encroaching on a private moment. I should give them the privacy they deserve, but I don’t.

“I’m doing this for you. I’m not someone you want to date. Just trust me on this.”

“How can you say that? You’re incredible. Not only to look at but on the inside too. Copyright 2016 - 2024