Beyond The Roses - Monica James Page 0,34

as cool as cool can be. “I was just escorting Lola to the library. She tells me she’s most interested in scouring the net for the latest scandal.”

I refrain from kicking him in the shin—only just. But his wisecrack eases my nerves.

She smiles, but something is missing behind the gesture.

“We’d best be going.” I’m certain he knows it’s on the tip of her tongue to ask what we’re up to, but he stays true to his word and keeps my secret safe.

I’m caught in the middle of an invisible pull, and I instantly feel guilty for lying, and also for putting Roman in an awkward position. June is Roman’s boss, and the fact he is lying to her because of me makes me wonder if maybe I should disclose what I’ve decided to do. He can get into serious trouble for doing this.

Roman’s synchronicity with my thoughts surprises me even though it shouldn’t because there has been a pull from day one. “Have a nice day, June.”

He latches on to my bicep gently, dismissing June.

However, she stops us. “Roman…” She peers down at his hand secured tightly around me. I attempt to shrink away, but he tightens his hold, causing my cheeks to heat. “Can you see me after you’re done?”

I can feel the pulse thrum through his taut body. Does she know something is wrong?

Just as I’m about to divulge it all, guilt eating away at my morals, Roman rubs his thumb over my skin, scoring my flesh with his tenderness.

“Of course.” His assurance doesn’t go unnoticed by June, whose eyes are watching our every move—evident and masked.

I feel beyond uncomfortable because the unspoken is leaving me with a serious case of paranoia. Roman doesn’t seem concerned and steers me around her, deadpanned and unmoved.

We walk in silence, Roman as confident as usual, while I will my heart to calm down. I’m on autopilot as I follow him.

He closes the door softly when we enter the medical room. “It’s okay. I won’t tell her.”

“I’m not worried about that.” I massage my temples. “What if you get into trouble? I shouldn’t have asked you to do this.”


But I don’t allow him to finish. “This was a bad idea. Not to mention, it is completely dishonest keeping this from June. She gave me this opportunity, and I thank her by lying to her.”


“She’s been nothing but nice to me and—”

This time, however, it’s Roman’s turn to interrupt me. Not by words but rather, touch.

He’s before me, pressing his huge palms to my cheeks before I can register his hands are on me—again. “Just…stop.”

My heart begins a steady staccato.

“It’ll be okay…you’ll be okay. If we’re going to do this, you need to trust me. Do you trust me?” I watch the blue in his irises turn a sultry, inky gray.

The pregnant pause is laced with anything but silence. “Yes.”

And I do.

The heat of his hands still pressed to my cheeks overthrows my constant chill. He searches every plane of my face, his touch turning softer. “Good. So stop worrying.” With a gentle stroke, he runs his thumbs along the apple of my cheeks before dropping his hands.

His presence is almost suffocating as we stand inches apart. I need to put some distance between us before I implode. “Should we get started?”

“Of course. Just take a seat on that bed”—he gestures with his head toward a curtained area—“and I’ll get everything I need.”

As he makes his way toward the glass supply closet, I walk over to the white table and boost myself up. Peering around, I see this small room encompasses everything a doctor would need. No one likes hospitals, but June has done a fine job in steering away from the fact that this room is just that.

Thoughts of June make me wonder what she wants to speak to Roman about.

“Honestly, I can hear you thinking from over there.” My lips tip on their own accord. “Here’s a fun fact. We’re the same blood type.”

Gingerly meeting his eyes, I appreciate that I can get lost in their blue depths because I need all the distraction I can get from the needle he holds. A cold sweat breaks out across my brow.

Roman places the supplies on the stainless steel side table and slips on a pair of blue latex gloves. “It’s okay to be afraid. We all get scared sometimes.”

As he reaches for the needle, I press my eyes shut and take shallow breaths through my nose. The alcoholic swab feels cold against Copyright 2016 - 2024