Beyond The Roses - Monica James Page 0,12

but your family as well. Make happy memories and live.”

June has a way with words, and I can see each and every one of us is touched.

“Tonight is about getting to know one another, and I welcome anyone who feels comfortable to come up and introduce themselves. I’m June Carrington, and Strawberry Fields is my home…and I welcome you.”

As June steps down from the podium, everyone looks around, wondering who has the balls to be the first one to break the ice. I too helplessly gaze around, hoping someone will man up and step up to the plate, but no one does.

Exhaling loudly, I wipe my sweaty palms down my dress before I slowly get to my feet. The movement draws the attention of everyone present, and they all turn, eyes focused on me. I squirm, feeling like a circus sideshow freak. But I’m here to make a difference.

That thought gives me the strength I need, and I make my way to the front. When I’m almost there, my skin tingles with an enigmatic burn. I turn to the left, wondering why. When I see Dr. Archibald leaning against the trunk of an enormous, flourishing elm tree, I know he is the reason. My body is somehow in step to his, scaring and exciting me all in the same breath. His same impassive expression keeps me guessing to his thoughts.

As I continue walking forward, the corner of Dr. Archibald’s lips lifts ever so noticeably. I wonder why for all of three seconds until his words come back to haunt me.

“You’re a brave young woman.”

Breaking our secret exchange, I focus on what’s important, and that’s remembering why I came here to start with.

“Hi,” I mumble into the microphone. Feedback squeals loudly, highlighting my epic failure. However, I pull my shoulders back, hating that Dr. Archibald’s words spur me on.

“My name is Lola.” I push my glasses up my nose. “And I’m a volunteer here. I really am looking forward to getting to know everyone.”

I risk a glance into the crowd and see that I’ve bored everyone to tears. But I don’t blame them. I came here to be real, and although these kids are merely that, they’ve been introduced to a world that has matured them beyond their years.

Pulling back my shoulders, I smile. “I feel privileged to be here because, just like you, I know how important every moment is. I’m here for you. I promise. I know what you’re going through…because I’ve been there too. I still am there.” I swallow, frightened I’ve shared too much.

But when I see something change in everyone sitting before me, I know that I’ve shared just enough. “So any time you need me, know that my door is always open. I’m here for the good and the bad.” When I witness smiles brightening the faces of those watching me, my heart swells. “So let’s celebrate life, and let’s…just have fun. Thank you.”

As I make my way down the path, I’m speechless when a brunette I’ve never seen before jumps up and hugs me. I loosely hug her back because I’m taken off guard.

It takes me double the time to get back to Zoe and Sadie because I’m stopped every step of the way. Most want to express their appreciation for what I said while others just want to hug me.

When I finally reach Zoe and Sadie, Zoe stands and throws her arms around me. This time, the affection is welcome.

“What you said was just beautiful.”

Sadie stands off to the side as we hug. I gesture with my hand, and she hesitates for a moment before joining the human sandwich.

After a few introductions are made and the crowd disperses, I see Dr. Archibald and Tamara talking awfully close. He is his usual cool, calm, and collected self, keeping his cards close to his chest.

Why does it bother me so much that she’s advancing and he’s not backing away?

“Because you like him,” a voice that sounds a lot like Georgia whispers loudly into my ear.

This is a new level of crazy. Maybe I need to see a shrink. To cope with Georgia’s death, am I now hearing her like she’s my subconscious? I really must lay off the caffeine.

Tamara stands on tippy toes and whispers into Dr. Archibald’s ear. He seems to ponder what she just said, then nods. She is elated while my stomach drops. They walk toward the mansion, leaning in close as they talk.

Sighing, I push down whatever this feeling swarming inside Copyright 2016 - 2024