Beyond The Roses - Monica James Page 0,111

she made me feel. And I want to feel that way again.

I will look back on this life with nothing but happiness, and that thought has my heart, our heart slowing down, finally allowing me to slip back into the past and become lost forever with her.

Laying my aged body against the soil, I wait for her to come. The sun peeks out from behind the yellow sunflower petals, suddenly warming my wintry frame.

“Lola?” I hardly recognize my voice anymore.



Lub…. dub…

Our heart sings for her, begging her to save me this one final time.

Reaching into my pocket, I retrieve the one picture I’ve allowed myself to keep. My shaky hands have memorized the folds, and over the years, I’ve had to handle this keepsake with care. It’s yellowed, aged, and faded, but it’s clearer than any other photo taken after it.

Opening it tenderly, I strain my poor eyesight to see two people who look like mere strangers, but my cherished memories of that day at the baseball game confirm that my old senile mind isn’t lost just yet. My eyes slip shut, a smile marked on my face.

I remember the softness of her skin, the tender touch of her lips. The rain pelted down around us, but she didn’t care. As long as we were together, the world could fall into place around us.

And it still can.

“Hello, Dr. Archibald.”

I’m suddenly transported back in time.

My eyes pop open, and I blink twice. I can see clearly. Waving my hand out in front of me, I gasp when the weathered planes are no longer visible. What’s going on?

Sitting upright, I’m surprised I can move without pain. But that surprise is quickly forgotten when I see who is standing feet away.


When she smiles, my heart stills…I’ve come home.

“I missed you.” Her voice…it sings to my soul.

I can hardly believe it. This is surely a dream. “I…I missed you too.”

She looks exactly how I remember her, but when I take a closer look, she looks different—she looks healthy and alive. Sadie’s necklace sits around her neck.

When she drops to both knees, her signature fragrance assaults my senses, and memory upon memory collides into me. I don’t dare breathe when she reaches out and gently runs her fingers down my cheek. I can feel her. I smother my moan.

“Are you ready?”

“Ready for what?” My mind is ricocheting, unable to keep up.

She smirks that brazen smile I’ve missed so much. “Ready to live.”

My heart kick-starts again, strong, vibrant, and alive.

Placing my hand against her chest, a sense of peace surrounds me because her heart beats strongly too. It’s all I’ve ever wished since she left.

“Yes. I’m ready.”

And I am.

I don’t give her a chance to catch her breath as I smash my lips to hers, unable to wait a second longer. But where we’re going, we don’t need air—she’s the only air I breathe.

The moment we connect, everything falls into place, and the long lost years of missing her seem like mere minutes. Nothing else matters but this. She has always been my destiny, my forever and a day.

As we clutch on to each other, both crying happy tears, I realize that I tried so desperately to save her, but truth be told, in the end, she saved me.

And even now, in death, she’s saved me once again.

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My author family: Elle Kennedy and Vi Keeland—I love you both very much.

My ever-supporting parents. You guys are the best. I am who I am because of you. I love you. RIP Papa. Gone but never forgotten. You’re in my heart. Always.

My agent, Kimberly Brower from Brower Literary & Management. Thank you for your patience and thank you for being an amazing human being.

My editor, Jenny Sims. What can I say other than I LOVE YOU! Thank you for everything. You go above and beyond for me.

My proofreader—My Brother’s Editor, YOU ROCK!

Sommer Stein, you NAILED this cover! Thank you for being so patient and making the process so fun. I’m sorry for annoying you constantly.

My publicist—Danielle Sanchez from Wildfire Marketing Solutions. Thank you for all your help.

A special shout-out to: Bombay Sapphire Gin, Kell Donaldson, L.J. Shen, Christina Lauren, Natasha Madison, Willow Winters, K. Webster, Giana Darling, S.M. Soto, Devney Perry, Penelope Ward, Tillie Cole, Lisa Edward, Cheri Grand Anderman, Lauren Rosa, Louise, Nichole Strauss, Toni Rakstraw, Kimberly Whalen, Ben Ellis—Tall Story Designs, Nasha Lama, Natasha Tomic, Heyne, Random House, Kinneret Zmora, Hugo & Cie, Planeta, MxM Bookmark, Art Eternal, Carbaccio, Fischer, Sieben Verlag, Bookouture, Egmont Bulgaria, Brilliance Publishing, Audible, Hope Editions, Buzzfeed, BookBub, PopSugar, Hugues De Saint Vincent, Paris, New York, Sarah Sentz (you’re my cover go-to queen!) Jessica—PeaceLoveBooks.

To the endless blogs that have supported me since day one—You guys rock my world.

My bookstagrammers—This book has allowed me to meet SO many of you. Your creativity astounds me. The effort you go to is just amazing. Thank you for the posts, the teasers, the support, the messages, the love, the EVERYTHING! I see what you do, and I am so, so thankful.

My ARC TEAM—You guys are THE BEST! Thanks for all the support.

My reader group—sending you all a big kiss.

My beautiful family—Daniel, Mum, Papa, Fran, Matt, Samantha, Amelia, Gayle, Peter, Luke, Leah, Jimmy, Jack, Shirley, Michael, Rob, Elisa, Evan, Alex, Francesca, and my aunties, uncles, and cousins—I am the luckiest person alive to know each and every one of you. You brighten up my world in ways I honestly cannot express.

Samantha and Amelia— I love you both so very much.

To my family in Holland and Italy, and abroad. Sending you guys much love and kisses.

Papa, Zio Nello, Zio Frank, Zia Rosetta, and Zia Giuseppina—you are in our hearts. Always.

My fur babies— mamma loves you so much! Buckwheat, you are my best buddy. Dacca, I will always protect you from the big bad Bellie. Mitch, refer to Dacca’s comment. Jag, you’re a wombat in disguise. Bellie, your singing voice is so beautiful. And Ninja, thanks for watching over me. To the newest addition, Wabbit; I love your apricot face.

To anyone I have missed, I’m sorry. It wasn’t intentional!

Last but certainly not least, I want to thank YOU! Thank you for welcoming me into your hearts and homes. My readers are the BEST readers in this entire universe! Love you all!

Monica James spent her youth devouring the works of Anne Rice, William Shakespeare, and Emily Dickinson.

When she is not writing, Monica is busy running her own business, but she always finds a balance between the two. She enjoys writing honest, heartfelt, and turbulent stories, hoping to leave an imprint on her readers. She draws her inspiration from life.

She is a bestselling author in the U.S.A., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, and The U.K.

Monica James resides in Melbourne, Australia, with her wonderful family, and menagerie of animals. She is slightly obsessed with cats, chucks, and lip gloss, and secretly wishes she was a ninja on the weekends.









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