Beyond The Roses - Monica James Page 0,106

nod with a gentle smile.

She tosses back her beer, appearing to need the Dutch courage. I know the feeling too well. She steps out onto the dance floor, headed our way. I clutch Roman tighter, imprinting him to memory, but my memories will always pale compared to the real thing.

“May I cut in?” Erin asks. Roman doesn’t hide his surprise at seeing her here. I answer for him as I step from his arms. He frowns, missing the connection. I can’t help but love him even more.

I kiss his cheek, wondering if he knows what’s coming. I don’t look back.

I seek out Zoe, who is chatting with Tamara. Everything is where it should be.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Zoe asks, her eyes focused on Erin and Roman, watching my plan unfold.


“He’s going to be so mad,” Tamara says, a touch of humor to her tone.

I shrug, playfully. “That’s nothing new.”

She chuckles but turns serious. “Do you think it’ll work?”

Watching the change in Roman’s bearing due to Erin’s tears, I know the answer is yes. It has to. “It will work. I’ve made sure of it.”

Both girls are quiet, not questioning my confidence because they know I never give up on what I want.

Tonight is about Roman. It always has been. I may not have spoken about the unspoken, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t plotting. I didn’t want to taint our last moments with sadness, but now, I’ve got nothing left to lose.

Looking at the guest list, they all have one thing in common—Roman. Each person was touched by him, or they saw how he touched me. This entire time, Roman doubted his worth. I’m here to show him just how valuable he truly is.

The song ends, and Erin wipes away her tears. She kisses Roman on the cheek before leaving the dance floor, needing a moment alone. Teddy is next in line. Just as Roman makes a move to where I’m standing, Teddy grabs him by the arm and leads him toward the bar. Dr. Carter and Gus are also there.

For the next forty-five minutes, they talk to Roman, detailing how he not only touched their lives but also changed the lives of so many others. His work as a doctor has saved countless lives. If he leaves this world, then who will fill his shoes?

Teddy turns serious before pulling Roman in for a hug. And that’s my next cue.

The kids Roman cared for circle him, all sharing their personal experiences with him. He slumps onto the barstool, running a hand down his face. I stand in clear view, not wanting to hide.

Tamara strokes my shoulder before joining the band of advocates.

I know she loves Roman, and although nothing is worse than loving someone who doesn’t feel that way in return, she still wants to help save him because he’s someone worth saving.

Both she and Roman sit huddled, her sobbing into his chest. He comforts her, his face in tatters with each word she speaks. Zoe is next. She speaks on behalf of Sadie. My parents take over from her when she’s done.

They didn’t detail what they planned to tell Roman, but I know they respect and accept my decision. It took them a while because coming to terms with the fact their daughter wants to donate her heart to the man she loves isn’t something you hear every day. But they’ve seen the change in me, and if that change is thanks to Roman, then they were more than happy to help save his life.

As my parents leave, the long list of people I found who were more than happy to vouch for Roman’s kindness step up to the plate—doctors, nurses, patients, volunteers, old teachers, and strangers he met for a mere moment…the list is endless.

Roman has touched so many lives, and the thought that he will end his is a reality I will never accept. I know he said no, but I’m a Van Allen. I don’t take no for an answer.

My mother’s tears are ugly as she turns over her shoulder, her love for me swimming in her gaze. I have no idea what she said to him, but whatever it is, he finally lifts his heavy eyes and meets mine.

This entire time, he’s kept his cards close to his chest. I have no doubt he’s furious with me, but deep down, I know he’s amazed that I did all this for him. He may not be able to see his worth, but Copyright 2016 - 2024