Beyond a Doubt - By Felicia Rogers Page 0,61

door open.

A young man on the other side bowed and said, “I’m here to pick up a Mademoiselle Lucille Lombard.”

“Mademoiselle will arrive momentarily.”

The carriage door flew open and a deep female voice yelled, “What is taking so long? The heat inside this box is unbearable.”

Lucy could see Grace’s mouth. Her jaw dropped as her mouth opened in shock. “There is no way my mistress is riding in that when it is all chocked full of other people. You may make a delivery and return for her.”

The young man at the door attempted to reply but instead stuttered and stammered.

“Well, young man, what have you to say for yourself? My lady deserves her own transport.”

“Beggin’ your pardon, but this is the carriage for all the unescorted females. They are to ride together for issues of safety.”

“Humph. If you ask me, they are all placed together so the old lechers can find them more easily.”

“Madam.” The young man sounded aghast.

The prepared entrance had been abandoned as Lucy stepped in before the situation became any more out of hand. “Merci. I would be honored to travel with these other ladies.”

A snicker and murmured words of, “I doubt it,” were expressed before the footman sealed his lips and led her down the stairs and into the waiting carriage.

Once inside, with skirts settled, Lucy braced herself for the sudden lurch into movement. As the wheels set into motion, a few of the other women spoke.

“These men have no regard. None at all, I tell you. How could they even think of placing this many women in one carriage? I’m in awe of their stupidity.”

“It is not so bad,” one woman replied, hiding behind a waving fan.

“Not so bad? Of course you would say that. You were not the first inside. If you were, then you would sing a different tune. Why, even my perfumed rag is soaked with perspiration.”

The woman dabbed at her ample bosom. It was exceptionally warm inside the carriage, and Lucy felt herself overheating within minutes.

“Am I the last?” she asked.

“Oh, let’s do hope so, for I see no place to put another.”

The other passengers concurred. The ride to the party gave ample time for Lucy to study her companions. The most vocal of the group was a lady whose sagging jowls wiggled with each turn. She wore feathers atop her head in a shifting plume. Her voice was loud and booming.

Another passenger was her exact opposite. Skinny in stature with sunken jaws and a pale complexion, the woman could be blown away by even the smallest puff of air. Each word from this one came out like the squeaking of a mouse.

And then there was the last individual. The quiet woman kept her face covered with a fan. From all Lucy could see, the woman looked to be of average build and of normal dress, yet in this carriage distinct in shyness and her silence.

As Lucy studied each woman, the loud one spoke. “I know who we are. We are sisters. But who are you?”

Lucy was taken aback by the suddenness of the comment. The skinny one replied, “How rude, dear sister.”

“How is it rude to inquire who I’m sharing breath with? Why, I dare say you wouldn’t think it a tad rude if the woman took out a dagger and ran us clean through!”

The skinny woman placed a fluttering hand to her heart. “Dear sister, inquiring is fine but not in such a manner. You know as well as I that no one of such character would be allowed to come to this party.”

For several minutes the argument continued. Lucy silently agreed with both in different ways. She would have gladly given her name had the rudeness of the tone gone unquestioned and the question of her character had remained out of play. As it was, she could find no way to slide in even one word.

Levels of frustration in the carriage mounted, until the lady behind the fan spoke in a calm, soothing, and even tone. The fan moved away in brief spurts, revealing a face of great beauty, the likes of which caused Lucy to go breathless.

“Sisters, there is no reason to continue with this argument. The constant bickering will only cause your skin to flush.”

“Why do you care? Once you enter the room, no one will even know we exist.”

Lucy heard the pretty one sigh. Jealousy oozed from the other siblings. Lucy pitied them all. None of them seemed particularly happy with their lot. Lucy understood their Copyright 2016 - 2024