Beyond a Doubt - By Felicia Rogers Page 0,5

surprised her by slinging himself up behind her. Then Bryce reached his arms around her sides and grabbed the reins. He clicked his tongue and the horse trotted forward.

Lucy held her spine erect and leaned away from Bryce’s frame. Within minutes her back trembled with pain. “Do you mind if I lean against you? This position is terribly uncomfortable.”

“Would ye like me to move?”

“Nay, of course not. I’m sure you are as tired as I. But would you mind if I relaxed my posture?”

Time passed and there was no reply. A look over her shoulder revealed the huge Scot gnawing upon his lip. His eyebrows knitted together.



“May I have an answer? My back is in a rather awkward position.”


“Does this mean you will give me an answer or is that my answer?”

“I don’t think Crissy will like it.”


“Crissy, my lass back home.”

“Oh.” So Bryce was taken. With a sigh, Lucy shifted, intending to get off the horse. The young man obviously didn’t wish to be touched by her and to stay upon the moving beast in so awkward a position would never do. Feet swollen with blisters would be preferable to a stiff back.

“Where are ye going?”

“Bryce, if I cannot lean back, my spine will break in two. Therefore I believe I will walk, if you don’t mind.”

Before she could move further, Bryce pulled her back. Within minutes the sway of the horse and the warmth of his chest lulled her into a deep sleep.


All the way to London, ran over and over through his mind. When Bryce had promised to help the lass, he had thought about dropping her at the next local town. Although that didn’t seem possible, it would have to be. Bryce would tell Lucy he would deliver her no further than Carlisle. From there she could secure a more suitable escort.

As Lucy fell against him, a soft snore emitted from her parted lips. Shifting upon the horse’s back, Bryce wondered, Who is this woman? Lucy Bard, she’d said. She claimed her escort ran away with all her possessions. The escort probably left because of her sharp mouth. The woman didn’t cater to silence.

A smile tugged the corner of his lips as he glanced at the charge in front of him. Short and thin, with cute brown eyes which took on a golden hue when rankled, the lass might be considered attractive.

Brown locks caressed her neck and face, loosed from an earlier coiffure. A sniff of the air revealed that her hair smelled like a summer rain. The clothing the lass wore needed repair. The former rose-colored gown was spotted with tinges of brown and green, from dirt and grass stains. The lacy edge looked trampled and dirty. Shoes of the finest brocade, with a soft sole and a cork heel of around one inch, peeled apart. Pain emanated in his feet at the thought of walking in such finery.

Crissy would be appalled that he’d concentrated so intently on another woman and her clothing.

Come to think of it, he wondered what his Scottish lass was doing. The two of them hadn’t exactly spoken of commitment before he’d left. In fact, Crissy had stayed away during those last few days.

In all the time they had known each other, neither of them had come right out and expressed words of love. When he’d willed himself to discuss the issue, Crissy had changed the subject. His personal opinion on the matter was that she’d avoided a relationship because she thought he was leaving for the Sinclair keep permanently.

Bryce didn’t blame the hesitation. Crissy just didn’t understand love. Although young and inexperienced in the ways of men, she would understand in time.

Bryce had sent letters to Crissy time and time again. Within the pages, he’d expressed his feelings. Hopes and dreams of a life, a family, and a farm flowed from his hand. And even though Crissy never replied, Bryce’s hope remained high. The winning of the lass could and would be accomplished by his gentlemanly ways, of that he held no doubts.

The rest of the day the couple traveled in silence. Bryce thought of home. Who knew what Lucy thought on? The lass only spoke when she needed relief. Once that desire was fulfilled, they climbed back on the horse and continued on.

By afternoon they reached a small settlement. A few buildings dotted the area beside the road.

Within the dwellings, Bryce hoped to find food. Dismounting and helping Lucy to the ground, he bid her stay behind.

“I’ll ask around. Copyright 2016 - 2024