Beyond a Doubt - By Felicia Rogers Page 0,24

room in the house. Without questioning from Lucy, the woman spoke.

“Yer man is a hard worker, never seen another like ‘im.”


She fluttered her hand. A dreamy expression settled upon her face. “Handsome, he is. And very handy. Why, he’s built me a whole set of cabinets, he has. Even chiseled out a design upon them. Best craftsmanship I’ve seen in these parts. Several people ‘ave offered him more work, but he says he’ll only do for me.

“Can ye believe such loyalty? The laddy keeps his word. Said he would work for yer room and board, and a horse for ye, and that’s what he’s done.”

Pride swelled within her breast. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Nay, lassie. Young Bryce has taken care of everything. Ye just heal.”

The elderly woman blew out of the room like a whirlwind. Lucy lay back on a pile of pillows and sighed. Her limbs felt like mush. If she didn’t get up and move around when she was alone, she’d be completely unable to when the time to leave arrived.

A pallet lay upon the hard stone floor, and as Lucy stood up and began walking, she stumbled on it, fell on her bottom, and cried out in pain. Rubbing the ache, Lucy frowned.

These few thin blankets were the bed upon which Bryce had spent the last few nights? Sitting there now, she could feel every imperfection in the floor. How had Bryce been able to rest?

Bryce flung the door open and it crashed against the wall. He rushed to her side. “Are ye hurt?”

“How do you sleep here?”

Bryce ignored the question, scooped her into his arms, and carried her to bed. “Ye shouldn’t be up.”

“But I need to move. Otherwise how will we make it to London?”

“Ye will ride a horse.”

“I know, but occasionally I might have to leave the beast, at least temporarily.” Lucy lifted her brow, hoping he got her meaning.

Bryce cleared his throat, his cheeks tinged pink with embarrassment. “I see.”

“Now you understand why I insist on movement.”

“Aye. Do ye need assistance?”

A giggle erupted. “I believe I’ll be all right. Just allow me to move. By the way, how many days have I been this way?”

“Maybe three.”

“Three days! I have to get out of here now.” As she stood, dizziness overcame her and she reached out to catch the bedpost, but Bryce was before her.

The tunic he wore opened to the middle of his chest. Her hand rested upon his bare flesh. Beneath her fingertips his heart fluttered erratically. His throat moved as he gulped.

“Are ye all right?” escaped his lips in a breathless rush.

“Aye,” came her answer, equally breathless.

“Ye should sit down.”

Bryce assisted her to a chair. His gaze never wavered from her pinched face. “Sit up for awhile. That will help yer lightheadedness. Then we will begin walkin’ around.”

She nodded as he silently slipped out the door, leaving her to her own devices.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Secure in the knowledge that Charles was as clueless as he, Gustav returned to Caen, France. Another agent tailed Charles lest he searched the trunk and happened to find something of use.

Gustav’s first order of business required he meet with Jean Broussard. The last word received from Jean had stated “Joshua”, L.L.’s contact on the outside, was being sought. Their hope was that Joshua had seen L.L. at one time or another and could give them a clue as to the agent’s identity.

Gustav entered Jean’s house. The door to his office was cracked and an argument could be heard from within.

“I don’t care about his secret identity! He is not supposed to be secret from me! This is why we pay the gent.”

“I’m sorry, sir, but he won’t come.”

“This is preposterous! The Admiral’s life hangs in the balance.”

“All our lives hang in the balance.”

Gustav peered through the crack. Inside Jean paced, stomping hard with every step. He picked up objects and threw them crashing against alternate walls. “You tell Joshua if he doesn’t meet with me and tell me everything he knows about L.L., then we will no longer require his services. And all those posh hotels and comforts of the rich he so readily enjoys will dry up like that.” Jean snapped his fingers and the sound echoed in the room.

The man bowed. Hastily he exited, bumping into Gustav on the way out. Jean had his back to the door, and he turned at the sound of Gustav’s soft footfalls.

“Back already. Oh Gustav, it’s you. I presume you have nothing new to report. Just like Copyright 2016 - 2024