Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,94

his name. "Don't stop."

He didn't. Hell, he couldn't, not with her so fucking tight around his dick, clenching eagerly and pulling him deeper. Release had done its work on her muscles, melting away tension so that it seemed like no time at all before he was balls-deep and shivering at the sensation of being inside her while those damn clever toys rocked in her pussy with every jerk of her hips.

No wonder she was trembling so hard she could barely hold her legs up.

His own hands were none too steady, but he fought through the throbbing pleasure and the need to move. He replaced her hands with his own, spreading his fingers wide across her thighs before pushing her knees toward her chest.

He answered her guttural whimper with a soothing rumble. "Just like this, love. Full and tight and nothing you can do but close your eyes and take it. You want to take it, don't you?"

"All of you," she whispered, her voice thick with pleasure. "Every goddamn inch."

His laughter sounded as jagged as his control as he eased back and slid home again. "You've already got every goddamn inch, you greedy bitch." He pushed her knees closer to her chest and thrust harder, knowing the sort of pleasurable chaos it would set off in her pussy. "Nothing's enough for you, is it?"

"Me?" She moved beneath him, arching to meet his thrusts. "One thing. That's all I want."

She didn't have to say it. The answer bloomed in every touch, every movement, it took root in her voice and grew with her cries. You, you, you.

All she wanted was him.

So he gave her exactly that, with rough thrusts that sent her flying into release. He gave her himself, stripped of control, focused on nothing but fucking them both into a blind stupor, riding the maddening rhythm of her body as it spasmed and contracted with climaxes that came closer and harder and reduced her to breathless sobbing. There was nothing to do but close his eyes and let her drag him down into sweet, filthy oblivion, her screams echoing in his ears.

The world grayed around the edges as he came, and it took forever for the shuddering aftershocks to stop, buried as he was inside her, her hips twitching helplessly with every breath. Clenching his jaw, he slipped out of her and lowered her legs.

He'd never seen her so debauched. Her skin was flushed and damp, her eyes still clenched tight, and she moaned as he eased her hips to the bed. "Lex, honey? Can you open your eyes?"

"Yeah." But she didn't, just lay there, sweaty and panting.

He didn't have that luxury, not while she needed tending. Moving carefully, he caught the loop at the end of the string of balls and pulled the first one free, but all the gentleness in the world couldn't stop her hoarse cry or the jerk of her hips.

Murmuring soothing noises, Dallas settled himself between her thighs and pressed a soft kiss to her clit. "You're all right." He eased the second sphere out of her. "I've got you."

She laughed and covered her face with her hands. "No, you don't. I can't stop spinning."

He dropped another kiss, this time to her inner thigh. "Nothing wrong with spinning." One final tug and another full-body shudder from Lex, and he tossed the toy aside. "I'll catch you, love. I'll always catch you."

"Will you?" She traced his jaw. "Even when you're spinning with me?"

"Especially then." Because that was the sweetest thing, the truth no one seemed to understand unless they lived it. Responsibility wasn't an unpleasant duty he tolerated just to get to the good parts. It was the good part, the essential one. It was the feeling of satisfaction and smug pride that grew with every moment she sprawled boneless, trusting him to care for her.

Physical pleasure was a fucking beautiful thing, but it was fleeting. The thrill of having her curl trustingly against his chest as he lifted her from the bed would linger.

Maybe even forever.

Chapter Seventeen

The potential recruits from Three looked like they'd just stumbled across the lost city of El Dorado--if they'd been looking for tits and ass instead of gold.

Lex sat up straighter and tugged at the bottom of her velvet corset. From her vantage point beside Dallas, she watched the new guys weave their way through the crowd. They didn't speak unless spoken to, but they seemed relaxed, their heads occasionally bobbing in time with the throbbing music.

At least they had manners Copyright 2016 - 2024