Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,92

of his cock, squeezing and stroking, but she didn't move her mouth, not beyond the gentle flutter of her tongue. Not that he'd have let her if she tried, but the fact that she didn't twisted lust around him, driving his hips forward until he bumped the back of her throat.

She wanted to be used, and he wanted to defile her--two needs that clicked together like puzzle pieces, turning unacceptable urges into something beautiful. A communion between outsiders, a moment of damn near spiritual understanding. Forget the hollow pomp and circumstance of Eden, this moment, feeling Lex's body vibrate with pleasure as he fucked her throat--this was a religious experience.

Blasphemous, maybe, to compare a higher power to the delicious depravity of choking a woman with his cock.

Dallas didn't give a fuck.

"Put your hands back on the bed," he growled, pulling back far enough to let her gasp in a breath. "And open your eyes. Look at me."

She obeyed, dropping her hands to twist into the bedspread. Her eyes were almost black now--stormy, burning with lust and affection and something that was more than either. More than both.

Holding her gaze, he pushed between her lips, pushed until she struggled to swallow him, pushed until her lips stretched wide around the base of his shaft and everything was tight, luscious heat and the sizzling knowledge that this wild, dangerous creature trusted him with her body, trusted him to take his pleasure but still leave her sated.

Too good. He wouldn't last long, but he didn't need to. He might not be twenty anymore, but the plans he had for her would have him hard enough to fuck her one more time before the night was over. This was for both of them, one moment of fractured self-control, so he tightened his grip and let himself revel in it.

Let himself fuck that perfect, willing mouth.

He pulled back to let her take another breath, but Lex leaned in, chasing him with a rough, hoarse moan. "Greedy bitch," he murmured affectionately as he thrust deep again, in and out, over and over, clutching the back of her head to hold her in place and dragging her back by the hair, just to enjoy the way she strained for his cock, begging with everything but words.

She couldn't use them, so he found enough for both of them. Fond and filthy, coarse compliments and lewd promises. He didn't have to think, only had to hold her gaze as each rough thrust brought him closer and closer, and the obscenities spilled, unbidden, from his lips. "That's right, take it all. Take my dick until you fucking choke on it and beg for more. You want more, don't you? Want me to come in your mouth?"

She managed one short whimper and a quick, frantic nod. He indulged himself with one last moment enjoying the hot depths of her throat before hauling her head back and transferring his grip to the slender column of her throat. "Use your hands," he commanded, squeezing tight enough to give her a taste of danger without cutting off her breath. "Jerk me off on your tongue."

"Fucking hell." Lex wrapped both hands around him, end to end, and twisted lightly. The barest tease, but it dragged a groan out of him, all the same. His shaft was slick from her mouth, slick enough for her to switch to one fist and pump it smoothly over him, base to tip and back again.

That was all it took. The tight clasp of her hand and the sight of her parted lips, her ready tongue. When pleasure tightened at the base of his spine and rolled outward, he gave in to it, growling with each stroke until the sight of his semen spilling across her tongue forced her name from him in a tortured moan.

She milked his cock with a shudder, lapping at him between swallows. Dallas watched her, buzzing on the afterglow, and she was the most magnificent thing he'd ever seen. "You're perfect," he said roughly, stroking his thumb along her throat as it worked under his palm. "You don't have to try to be my fucking fantasy. Everything you are is perfect."

With a wordless moan, she leaned in and pressed her cheek to his stomach. "I needed this tonight. So much."

"I'll take care of all your needs," he promised, smoothing her hair into place. It caught on his fingers, and he took the time to work through the tangles left behind by his clutching fists. Just Copyright 2016 - 2024