Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,85

head against the floor instead. He was already so deep, huge and stretching inside her, and then he stopped moving, just clutched her hips and shifted them in tiny rolling movements that taunted her with too little friction.

And his words... "You want my cock?" Another thrust, short and abrupt, but so much sharper because he hauled her hips to meet it, slapping their bodies together with a deliciously crude sound. "You want me to fuck your pussy?"

Her ears were buzzing again. He could have made her come already, but he was holding back. Lex wrapped her hands around his wrists, digging her nails into his skin. "More. Fuck me hard."

"Quit giving orders." It took him forever to pull back, an eternity enduring the loss of him, and his return was almost as torturous. Deep, quick, but not hard at all. "What do you really want?"

"I want you."

"No." He lunged over her, hands splayed on either side of her head, pinning her hair, his body pressing down on hers with strength and heat. "You want whatever I wanna give you."

Lex caught her breath. He'd said he'd give her anything, the world...but she had to trust him to do it.

Did she?

Dallas's mouth descended on hers before she could decide. Hot, abrupt, teeth scraping her lips as his tongue plunged past them. A claiming kiss that turned gentle once she parted for him, turned lazy and warm, and he finished by licking her lower lip with a low groan. "When you admit it to yourself, you can admit it to me," he murmured.

And pulled away.

No. She reached blindly for him, only to have her hands brushed aside as he gripped her hips and flipped her onto her knees in one deft movement.

Pleasure jolted up her spine as he plunged two blunt fingers into her, but after two lazy pumps he slipped them down to rub her clit. "You wanted me to lose control, love. Didn't know what you were asking for, did you?"

Somehow, she found her voice. "You haven't lost it. Not yet."

He laughed. Laughed and bent over her, cupping her jaw with one hand to force her face up and back. "Oh yes, I have. We left your fantasy back at the couch, darling. This is mine. And in this one, you don't get fucked because you want it. You get fucked because I want to fuck you, and you take it because you love everything I do to you."

His mouth was close enough to lick. To bite. Lex focused on his lower lip and licked her own. "I do love it. More when you stop playing. When you give in."

"Look at me, Lex. Am I playing?"

She met his gaze. It burned with unsated lust--and something more. "You sure the hell seem to think this is funny. Leaving me waiting on my knees."

His chest rumbled--a growl or a laugh, she wasn't even sure. He rocked his hips, sliding his shaft against her pussy. Taunting her. "I'm not the one keeping you waiting."

Frustrated, she twisted in his grasp. Only a few feet away, Noelle and Jasper were tangled together again, rocking together in a slow, intense grind. Ace and Mad were wrapped around them both, licking and stroking even as they touched each other.

But it was Noelle who drew her gaze again and again. The look of sheer, utter abandon on the woman's face made Lex's heart seize, and she found herself whispering, "I don't know what else to give you, Declan. I don't know how."

His touch gentled as his fingers drifted from her jaw up toward her hair. It took him forever to wrap his fist in the strands, but abruptly he pulled his hand tight, dragging her head up until her back bowed. "All right, Lexie love. I'll take it."

That was all the warning she got before he kneed her thighs apart and thrust into her. Her hands slipped, and her teeth clacked shut as her elbows banged to the floor. Even that pain couldn't detract from the pleasure, the pure, goddamned satisfaction of it.

Of being taken.

"This is it. What you won't ask for." He punctuated every sentence with another vicious thrust, driving home the last word hard enough to wring a choked noise from her. He kept moving, kept talking, his words twisting her almost as tight as the sensation of his cock stretching her. "No choices. No responsibility. No having to admit you like being owned."

Because she didn't. No one else had ever come close to giving her a Copyright 2016 - 2024