Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,76

"I'm mad at him now. I wanted to taste you first."

If Dallas's goal was to fulfill her fantasy, they'd all get their chance. "Plenty of other things you could do," Lex said, catching Noelle's hand. "But you'd better hurry before the others beat you to it. There are others, right?"


A strong hand curled around the back of her neck, its touch so possessive and sure it had to be Dallas. "Don't answer that," he drawled, pressing his thumb over her pulse for a moment before sliding it under her chin to force her head back. "Are you doubting my word, Lexie?"

"Yes." The word escaped her before she could think to lie.

"You think I only invited Noelle and Jas, because they're safe."

"Aren't they?"

No answer, just that firm hand curved around her throat--and another hand, a different one, grazing the small of her back. Long, graceful fingers instead of blunt and rough like Dallas's, clever fingers that twisted the catch on her bra free in one deft move. And those were different still from the strong, work-hardened hands sliding up her leg toward her panties.

Noelle's fingers were the softest, and they stroked her cheek. "We're all safe," she whispered as the two new pairs of hands set to stripping her bare. "He knows what's his."

Lex's knees went weak. "Do you know, Dallas?"

"Every fucking thing I see," he replied, close enough for his breath to stir the hair at her temple. "But you most of all. You above everyone."

Her bra fell away, and Jasper--it had to be Jasper, with that same scratch of beard she'd felt on her hip--licked her nipple. Once, twice, then he drew it into his mouth and sucked hard.

Lex whimpered and tried to lift her hands, but someone caught them. She didn't know who held her arms out to the side, but it was Noelle who buckled the cuffs around each wrist, and Dallas who stripped her collar from her throat only to replace it with something heavier. Leather closed around her throat, a collar that latched in the back with a long, narrow strip that settled over her spine like a promise.

Cool metal tickled, D-rings that brushed her skin as someone folded her arms at the small of her back. Noelle claimed her other nipple as the cuffs snapped into place, leaving her unable to move.


Her panties slid down her legs, and she lifted each foot automatically to allow the fabric to be stripped away. The air in the room felt heavy, heavy enough to press in on her as surely as all the hands.

"Like this." A low whisper, one she recognized as Jasper instructing Noelle. A moment later, their tongues tangled together around one of her nipples in a wet, open kiss--with her between them.

The low buzz of anticipation turned to a very real buzz of pleasure in her ears, and Lex exhaled slowly. "Fuck."

Wood scraped the floor behind her, something weighty being shifted into place. Fingers twisted in her hair, and Dallas's voice skittered over her. "Spread her legs."

A masculine pair of hands obeyed, dragging her legs apart. Sure, strong, but with enough deference to identify it as Mad who buckled her into a pair of ankle cuffs. Someone caught her shoulders, someone else gripped her waist, every touch designed to tease as they urged her back and down until her thighs touched padded leather.

Plenty of surfaces in Dallas's room fit that description, but when Mad's hands returned to coax her legs apart, she knew what she was sitting on. The custom-built chair Dallas usually kept in the corner, the one designed to hold its occupant captive, exposed, legs wide open.

Jasper's ever-present leather wrist cuff brushed her collarbone as he guided her to lie on the reclined chair, midway between sitting straight up and lying flat on her back. In moments she was trapped, ankles locked to the base of the chair, her arms folded behind her.

And all of the touch stopped.

Lex clenched her teeth. Dallas wanted her to break--to squirm, even beg, What startled her was how much she wanted to, to hear the catch in his breathing when she finally gave in.

She bit her lip and arched on the chair. "Please."

Someone pulled off her blindfold, and at first all she could see was Dallas.

He sprawled a few feet away, his arms resting along the back of the couch and his legs stretched out in front of him. He'd lost the black T-shirt at some point, leaving him in dark jeans, a heavy belt and Copyright 2016 - 2024