Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,42


Instead of a shiver, this time it was a shudder, one that shook her whole body and left her nipples in hard points that got even harder when they rubbed against the hot, bare skin of his back.

Dallas circled the bed and dropped her onto her stomach with her feet on the floor. Nothing had been left to chance in the design of the furniture, even the height of the bed. It was high enough to support her upper body once Dallas stripped away her pants and nudged her feet apart, and no matter which way she turned her head, she was treated to her own reflection--her body bent submissively in front of him and her wrists deftly bound at the small of her back.

With her heels gone, Lex stood stretched up on her toes, naked and helpless. She turned her cheek to the soft fabric covering the bed and closed her eyes, waiting for the slow burn of continuously flexed muscle to start.

"You gonna let me be sweet to you now, Lexie?" His fingertips grazed the curve of her ass. "I don't think you are. I don't think you like it as much when I'm sweet to you."

He didn't wait for an answer--not that she was willing to give one. He crossed the room, footsteps fading bit by bit as he moved, and she kept her eyes shut. Waited.

It didn't take long for him to return. Sensuous silk slithered over her back, more like the fabric looped around her wrist. Dallas left it there and smoothed both hands down her sides until his fingers dug into her hips. One foot nudged the inside of her ankle. "Open wider."

It left her even more exposed, with cool air on her heated flesh and the teasing promise of Dallas's touch. "Like this?"

"Good girl." He slid one hand between her legs, fingers slicking over her pussy before he spread her outer lips wide and plunged one broad finger inside her. Pleasure buzzed in her ears, and she clenched around him. "How long have you been wet? Did it get you hot, fondling my dick under the dinner table?"

"Yes." She could barely move, but it didn't stop her from trying. "I wanted to fuck you then."

"Not much of a show, was it?" He worked his finger in and out, shallow, lazy strokes that brushed over sensitive spots without enough pressure to do more than taunt. "Those bastards couldn't handle watching you and Noelle writhe on each other."

"Neither can you."

"Smartass." He swatted her ass with his free hand, a mere warning slap before his hand fell again in earnest.

The third blow left her skin burning, and she bit her lip to hold back a moan. "Fuck."

"You'll have to settle for my hand tonight," he murmured as his finger resumed its leisurely thrusting. "Unless you come without asking. That might earn you a round with my belt."

Would he do it while he fucked her, lay the leather across her back every time an orgasm swept her into its clutches, mixing ecstasy and pain until she couldn't separate them anymore? "I don't need permission to find pleasure. You wouldn't stop me."

Rough fingers twisted in her hair, and he dragged her head up until she was forced to meet his gaze in the mirror. His expression was rough, a short step from wild. "I never used to." It was barely more than a whisper, but the words were stern. Hard. "But then, you weren't wearing my collar before, were you, love? You ask permission now."

It was instinct to struggle, to make him earn that control. He clenched his hand, his grip steady and implacable, and when she twisted he pulled his finger out of her and slapped her ass again. "Tell me you understand. I want to hear it. If you come without asking, you might get my belt." He leaned over her, his breath warm on her cheek. "Or maybe I'll just stop altogether. You'll have to take that risk if you're feeling bratty."

Lex met his eyes in the mirror without guarding her own hunger. "I understand."

"Good." He tugged at her hair, sending another jolt through her, before releasing it to fall around her face. "Because you're mine, honey. And I'm not in a sharing sort of mood tonight."

She bowed her head to rest her forehead on the bed. "I didn't ask you to."

Dallas dragged his hand from the nape of her neck to the small of her back. "I know, but I promised. I thought I'd Copyright 2016 - 2024