Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,31

The same exception who hadn't given him anything to drink with his lunch. "So that's actually happening? Rachel and the city boy?"

"Loudly and frequently," Jas confirmed. "If the rumors are to be believed."

Some rumors were easier to believe than others, and Dallas would wager this one held more salacious curiosity than truth. "I'll believe that when I see it. Even Ace couldn't score any alone time with Rachel, and all the women love him. God knows why."

Bren and Jasper both turned to look at Mad, who snorted. "I should let you all wonder if it's true. If you want answers, listen to what people are saying when you haven't asked them a question."

"Pithy," Dallas grumbled. "Is that some wisdom of the Prophet?"

Mad tapped the side of his head. "That's advice from a spy. And the answer to your question's none of your damn business."

Figured. Mad knew everything because people trusted him, and people trusted him because he didn't spill secrets. "Fine. We gonna discuss anyone else's love life before we get back to actual business?"

Bren regarded him with a bland look. "Is yours on the table? 'Cause I had to stand outside your door for a good ten minutes this afternoon before I fucking dared to knock."

Dallas had fucked women in front of Bren before. Hell, he'd fucked women with him and had never felt the slightest bit possessive or self-conscious.

But that moment of Lex melting beneath him--that tiny crack in her impenetrable fucking façade--that should have belonged to him alone. Bad enough that he'd been dragged away before he could savor it, but knowing Bren had been witness to it infuriated him.

Fucking irrational, but damned if he cared. "That's what an orgasm sounds like when you do it right, asshole," he snapped, anger turning his tone ugly. "Jas can show you."

He wasn't playing, and they all knew it. Jasper and Mad exchanged an uncomfortable look, but Bren only lowered his gaze. "Message received. Not on the table at all."

Dallas got the message, too. Too far. There was a line between strength and abuse, and he'd been walking the wrong side of it more often than not lately. It was one thing if he needed to be vicious for their safety, but not when it was all about his own stupid pride.

Grinding his teeth, he forced himself to take a breath. "I don't like this. I don't like dragging her into Sector Two, and I don't like having to go there now, when I'd rather be figuring out how to put an end to Gareth Woods. I'm pissy."

"Then you get through it," Jasper said evenly. "As quick and easy as possible. Then you can get on to more important things."

Unless the whole meeting exploded in his face, or they ended up at war with whoever had backed Wilson Trent's attack. Both seemed equally probable, at this point.

What a grim fucking future for him and his newly collared queen. "Recruitment drive," he told Jasper. At least with that rolling, he'd feel like he was preparing for whatever came next. "Make it a priority. When we get back, we'll all sit down and figure out the quickest way to bring up our numbers without taking on any dead weight."

"Yes, sir."

Mad and Bren were still silent and stone-faced. Dallas tried to lighten the mood with a crooked smile. "Cheer up, boys. You're headed to one of Cerys's parties. Expensive pussy and someone might try to stab you. Can't get more exciting than that."

"It's not a party until someone pulls a blade." But there was a rough edge to Bren's voice, with no trace of his usual quirky humor.

Mad stepped into the awkward silence with his easy smile, but Dallas had the distinct impression that Mad was rescuing Bren, not him. "Bren will handle the knives, and I'll take care of the hookers. It'll be a regular shindig. Is that all you needed, boss?"

It was a question, but it also wasn't. Mad had a look in his eyes, a set to his jaw and brow, one that told Dallas that it had better be enough. "Yeah, you two go pack."

They filed out, but Jasper stayed behind, rubbing at his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. "Jesus, Dallas."

The bottom drawer of his desk held rum, whiskey and two glasses. Dallas dropped all of it on his desk and poured himself a triple. "I know, I know. But I thought the bastard would laugh. We've all watched him get off how many chicks in the Copyright 2016 - 2024