Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,127

not kinky until I tell you to stab me," he corrected.

Before she could respond, he clutched her hips and drove into her so hard that she pitched forward into the table. She bit her tongue, but the pain vanished in an instant, consumed by the fire sparked by his next thrust.

Deep and unforgiving, the kind of merciless fucking she'd had to coax out of him before. Rough grunts punctuated each thrust, along with the slick sound of his cock slamming into her, their bodies slapping together.

It should have been selfish, Dallas using her body, wrenching his pleasure from it too fast and hard to give her any in return, but his hands held her hips at that desperate angle, and the sparks multiplied, turned to fire.

He cracked one open palm against her hip. "Is this what you wanted?"

Yes. The word didn't come, but she did. The knife wrenched free and clattered to the wood, but Lex couldn't help it. Her entire body shook, trembled on the edge of something more, so she pressed her forehead to the table and whispered his name.

"Christ," he groaned, dragging her back to meet his cock. "I love fucking your pussy while you're coming. So fucking tight and hot."

She swept one arm out, desperate for something to hold on to, and the knife skittered away and flipped onto the floor. "Don't stop--"

"Never," he promised, riding her faster. "I'll never stop fucking you. Never stop needing you. Loving you."

Something crashed off the pegboard above the table, and the impact vibrated through the wood, up through her body. In the midst of a storm of ecstasy, that small, quiet sensation centered her.

Never stop.

Dallas had always known how to get her off, but this was different. Having him with her--and knowing she always would--tripped something primal deep in her brain. Every nerve ending lit up, and she tensed again with a mounting pleasure that went on and on, tighter and tighter as his movements grew less and less controlled.

A rumbling noise started in his chest, twisting feral possession with satisfaction, and gave way to a string of snarled encouragements, words bitten off between fast jerks of his hips. Things like fuck yeah and so good, commands that stroked inside her. "Take me," he growled, barely audible over the rattle of the table and the blood pounding in her ears. "Love it. Tell me you love this."

"I love--" Something snapped, just fucking snapped, and her brain locked down. The waves turned to bolts, lightning strikes that curled her toes and left her gasping for enough breath to scream.

He did it for her, a wordless shout of triumph as he rode her clenching pussy to his own orgasm. He slammed home a final time before freezing there, his body locked within hers, his forehead dropping to rest between her shoulder blades.

He panted, his skin slicking over hers with every breath. Lex tried to lift a hand to his hair, but her limbs felt too heavy. So she licked her lips and shivered beneath him.

Lips brushed her nape, a soft kiss through her hair. "You all right, love?"

"I can't move."

"Me neither." But he did anyway, levering himself up before easing his cock from her body with a soft hiss. His hands were gentle as he eased her panties and jeans back into place, relentless possession in every touch.

He turned her, lifted her onto the table, and grabbed her arm with a curse. "Shit, you're bleeding."

There was a shallow, harmless gash running along the outside of her forearm. Lex stared at it and laughed. "I don't even feel it."

Dallas still frowned, sparing only a few seconds to straighten his pants before ordering, "Stay here."

He stomped out of the easy circle of light only to return with a small med kit. He fussed over her arm, applying med-gel and frowning even harder when she winced at the contact.

Lex watched him, rapt. "I was willing to stay and be her, you know. The queen. For you and the gang. That's what I had decided tonight."

Dallas froze in the act of opening a bandage, his gaze suddenly wary. "And now?"

She touched his face, every last shred of doubt gone. "I still want to be her for everyone else. For you, it's different. I can be all of me."

He fixed the bandage in place before catching her hand and turning to kiss her palm. "Christ knows I'm not going to stop being dumb, Lex. And I'll always want power. To keep us safe, and because it's Copyright 2016 - 2024