Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,125

I swear to Christ--"

Her heart skipped and stuttered as hunger seized her. "You'll what?"

He tugged at her hair and leaned down. "You give me my fantasy, or I'm gonna give you yours. And you know which one I'm talking about."

It should be here, in the garage, surrounded by the scents of motor oil and tire rubber and metal. This was where she'd watched him work on the salvaged cars, listened to him talk about his grand plans for the gang. Where she'd first begun to wonder if there was a place in all of it for her.

Her fantasy and his. They'd have both.

She took him again, closing her eyes with abandon when he thrust against her mouth with a ragged groan. "That's right." He threaded both hands through her hair to hold her in place. "You like it like this. Dirty and rough, getting fucked by a man who wants you so bad he'll risk all your sharp edges. Who fucking loves your sharp edges."

Because he had them, too, the quiet, sneaky kind that would cut you before you realized what was happening. Lex knew that now.

And it didn't matter. All she gave a damn about was her people, her family. Her man. She'd fight to protect and love them all, even if she had to fight them.

Or herself.

She reached up to grip his ass, and he hissed as his head fell back. "I know you wanna suck me off. It gets you hot, doesn't it? Deciding when I come." He thrust forward, pushing deep enough to choke her. "Which one of us is in control now? I never fucking know."

She didn't need to breathe. She'd never need anything else, ever. Just this.

He surrounded her, overwhelming her. Sweat and leather and whiskey and even the metallic scent of blood, from where his bruised knuckles lay wrapped beneath strands of her hair. When the world began to swim he drew back, stroked her hair and said that she was beautiful, that her mouth made him crazy, just long enough for her to catch her breath before rocking forward again.

Lex pulled away, heedless of the sharp tug of his fingers in her hair. "You're in control," she gasped.

Dallas stared down at her, his eyes intent. "That an observation or a request?"

The cool, easy words flew right the hell out of her head. "Please."

He moved so fast her head spun. One second she was on her knees, the next he had her up and moving. Three stumbling steps back with him looming over her, only to spin her when her ass bumped the worktable.

His slick shaft jutted against the small of her back. The wooden bench pressed against her hips, just the right height to bend over. But instead of pushing her forward, he curled his fingers in the remains of her tank top and jerked at it. "Arms up."

Anticipation raised goose bumps on her skin, but Lex didn't move.

Growling, Dallas kicked her feet apart. She swayed, and he used her momentary distraction to haul the front of the shirt up and over her head, dragging it to tangle around her upper arms behind her back.

"You can be bad." The words didn't quite cover the sound of leather rasping against denim. His belt sliding free of its loops, one at a time. "You can fight. You know what it'll get you?"

She couldn't hold back her moan. "No, what?"

"Fucked harder." He planted a hand between her shoulder blades and shoved her down until her only option was to turn her head and rest her cheek on the scuffed wooden table.

Just like that, every ounce of her attention was riveted to the sweet pressure of his hand, and how much she could push against it before he eased up. Gave up. She struggled carefully, unwilling to risk losing the heat of him at her back and the rough bite of the bench beneath her.

He laughed and dropped his belt across her lower back, the leather a dangerous threat--or promise. "Is that the best you've got?"

She jerked hard, panting when his splayed hand shoved her closer to the table. "Oh, Jesus." The words escaped her in a hoarse, pleading rasp.

"Not quite," he murmured, sliding his hand up over her shoulder and around her throat. He dragged her upright, her arms trapped between them, and wrenched open her jeans. "But you can pray to me for mercy, if you want."

Lex arched her hips. "You're a tease."

He responded by shoving his hand into her panties, his fingers slicking Copyright 2016 - 2024