Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,121

sip of her beer to cover her smile and leaned closer to Lex. "I think I see why Bren's fond of her."

Lex's answering smile faded as she caught sight of Trix across the room. The redhead had covered the discoloration with makeup, but there was no mistaking the swelling around her eye. She had one hell of a shiner--and, unlike Cruz and Ace, no reason for it. "What the hell happened to Trix?"

Noelle's brow furrowed. "I don't know. I hadn't seen her all day until just now."

"Jesus Christ," Nessa whispered. "Dallas can't have seen that yet, or someone would be dead."

"Someone's about to be. Stay here." Lex elbowed through the crowd.

Trix saw her coming and turned away, angling her face down to cover her cheek, but Lex caught her arm and shook her head. "That's not how it works, honey. Who was it?"

Trix's eyes widened. "Tell Dallas I'm not trying to cause trouble--"

"I need a name." A name Lex could connect with a face, which she could then connect with her boot.

She didn't answer, but her gaze skittered tellingly to the corner, where Dom was holding court with a handful of the punks who came to fight in the cage, hungry for a little of Dallas's attention.

If they thought listening to Dom was the way to get it, they were the very worst way.

He tensed as she approached, but Lex couldn't manage to wipe the anger from her features. "You're in deep shit this time, Dom."

Dom jeered at her, puffing out his chest in a useless attempt to look unconcerned. "Yeah? Says who?"

She slapped the drink out of his hand. "I'm not fucking around. If Dallas doesn't kill you, I'll do it myself."

"You better watch your mouth, bitch." He leaned close enough for his breath to wash over her, reeking of tequila. "I hear you're not so high and mighty now. Just another piece of ass who doesn't know when to shut up, strip down, and spread 'em."

Rage swelled, closing off her throat. Not at the personal insult, but at his implication--that women were only good for one thing, and worthless for anything else. Worse than worthless. Subhuman, nothing but disembodied parts waiting for his slavering, short-lived attention.

He'd already shed his shoes in anticipation of a fight in the cage. Lex stomped down on the bridge of his foot, then slammed the heel of her hand up against his nose.

He howled and swung a fist toward her, but it went wide. Not because she'd dodged, but because an iron arm had locked around her waist and hauled her out of the way.

Jas and Bren appeared on either side of Dom, sending his companions scattering. No doubt none of them wanted to be associated with the beatdown to come, especially when Dallas's voice tickled Lex's ear. "Lexie love, were you about to throw an ass-stomping party and not invite me?"

Easy words, lazy, at complete odds with the rigid tension in his body. He was playing his part, king of Sector Four, and she found herself going along with it. "Had to. I would have saved his head for you, though. You'll want it when you see Trix's face."

Dallas lowered her carefully to the floor. "Jas? Make sure Dom doesn't get any ideas about moving."

The crowd had gone silent, and Lex looked up. Her eyes locked with Trix's big blue ones, and she motioned her over. "Come here, honey."

The woman's chest heaved, but she obeyed, crossing the room with her hands clenched at her sides. "I'm sorry, Dallas."

He caught her chin with gentle fingers and tilted her head back, angling her bruised eye toward the light. "Only thing you need to be sorry about is not coming straight to me. You work for us, girl. You're protected."

She bit her lip and nodded.

Dallas released her and turned to Lex. They'd known each other so long it was easy to read the silent plea in his gaze. For this night, for this moment, he had to be the king, and he desperately needed her. Not Lex, his lover, or even Alexa.

He needed his queen.

Dallas didn't look away, even when he spoke. "Get in the cage, Dom."

Bren stepped forward, but Lex cut off his protest with an upraised hand. "You heard the man. He's ready to settle this."

Dom bit off a curse. "Fuck that. I won't."

"O'Kane for life," Dallas drawled, the painful edge under the words sharp enough to cut. "You wanted to punch someone, I'll give you someone to punch. If you're one Copyright 2016 - 2024