Beyond Control - By Kit Rocha Page 0,10

this is Noelle's night."

Dallas eyed the fresh ink on the inside of Jasper's arm. Noelle's name, in Ace's inimitable style. "Not just hers."

Jasper followed his gaze and nodded, though his words contradicted Dallas's. "The ink is mine. The party's hers."

That, Dallas supposed, wasn't worth arguing. People had been drifting up to the dais all evening long with congratulations and gifts, and most of it had been heaped on a glowing Noelle. "Fair enough."

Movement at the door caught Dallas's eye--Bren, with his seemingly ever-present shadow trailing him. Jasper was Dallas's right-hand man, and Brendan Donnelly was Jas's mirror. The strong, silent man who stood at Dallas's left, his cold-blooded intellect a good balance for Jasper's more tempered compassion.

The girl hovering just behind Bren's left shoulder might as well have been Noelle's mirror. They'd come under Dallas's protection within a week of one another, but Noelle had fallen from the privileged grace of the city, and Six--if the girl had another name, she refused to give it--had been dragged out of the hell of Sector Three. Noelle was sweet softness in white ruffles, and Six was nothing but wary, hard edges and baggy clothes that covered her from her chin to her borrowed boots.

Her eyes were wounded. Broken, maybe. Sometimes Dallas woke from nightmares where Lex stared at him like that, shattered and hurt because the need inside him had crushed her.

Bren grinned as he approached the dais, one arm behind his back. "Especially for you, Noelle," he said, presenting her with a small flogger festooned with a red bow.

It had a multitude of tails, all light, butter-soft suede, and Noelle flushed a pretty pink as she caught one of the tails and rubbed it between her thumb and forefinger. "It's beautiful."

Lex leaned forward to peer at the whip. "Stuart make this?"

"He did." Bren dipped his head. "Thanks for recommending him."

"No problem." She brushed the back of her hand over the braided handle, her expression contemplative. "He does good work."

"That he does," Dallas agreed, watching one tail slither over Lex's skin. Wrapping leather around that woman's body could be a full-time hobby, one to which he'd gladly devote himself. It was an effort to tear his gaze away and smile at Noelle. "Bren knows his toys, kitten. I think you'll like this one." Jasper would like it too, once he had Noelle stretched in front of him, writhing through the pleasure she took from pain.

Jasper set aside the flogger and folded his hand around Noelle's. "Should we ask Bren to dance?"

"It's only polite." Noelle dropped a kiss to Lex's cheek before hauling Jasper to his feet. "Six, do you want to dance?"

Her dark eyes widened just a fraction, and then she was giving Noelle that look, the one Dallas had seen on the poor girl's face a dozen times. It screamed, You cannot be for real, and sometimes it seemed like that was the only look anyone got from Six.

Except Bren.

Dallas gestured to a chair tucked in a dark corner on the dais. It was far enough out of the way to give the wary woman a little privacy, but not situated so that she'd have to worry about being cornered. Not with him--and Lex--between her and the rest of the room. "Why don't you park yourself over there, Six? Watch until you feel like joining in, eh?"

After an awkward moment, she nodded jerkily and mumbled something that sounded like a congratulations as she slipped past Jasper. Dallas arched an eyebrow at Bren, who threw a wave over his shoulder as he followed Noelle out onto the floor.

"They left you alone with me," Lex muttered. "I guess you'll be making them pay for that later."

Dallas laughed and stretched his arm across the back of the couch. "How do you know this wasn't part of my plan?"

She moved fast, and her hair spilled over her shoulders to tickle his cheek as she straddled his thigh. "Was it?"

It didn't matter what his plan had been. When Lex's perfume hit him, his cock got hard and his plans got muddled. He slid one hand up her leg, edging his fingers under the hem of her dress. "It sure as fuck is now, love."

She slapped his hand away.

He couldn't help his grin. "What's the matter, Lex? Don't want to ride my fingers?"

"Mmm." She leaned down until her lips grazed his ear. "I'm not that easy."

Nothing about Lex ever was. "Congratulations on your protégé's big debut. You were right, back when we took her in. She's gonna Copyright 2016 - 2024