Between the Pages - Lauren Baker Page 0,105

good humor.

"Wow, Emmy, I'm impressed you left him there. The way you two were getting it on, I was sure you were going to drag him home."

"I can't say I wasn't tempted."

"Uh-huh. Looks like Eric was pretty tempted too, judging by how tight his pants were. And he's looking...fine, if you don't mind my saying so," Anna added before dissolving into giggles.

"Oh, stop it! You're shameless! And I thought you guys were trying to discourage me?"

"Now I got you away, I can admit I'm amazed," Gina conceded. "That asshole is seriously hot. Mind you, so was Jake – that bare chest and vest combo he was sporting was positively X-rated. Why he's hooking up with that snooty bitch Meredith is beyond me."

"Gina! I thought she was really nice," Anna exclaimed.

"Don't worry sis, Gi's jealous," Emmy said, giggling, only to duck as Gina poked her in the ribs.

"Hah! As if! Although I gotta say, girlfriend, you sure know how to pick them."

They all hugged when the cab got to Emmy's, and she made it up the stairs and to the living room couch before collapsing, her feet suddenly in agony as she took off Gina's heels.

"I'm amazed you survived on these for so long," Anna said, unlacing the vintage Doc Martens that she'd worn all evening as Emmy wobbled to the kitchen and back for a tall glass of water and some Tylenol, which she doled out both of them.

"They were fine earlier, or maybe it was all the tequila. But they feel like torture now, ugh."

"Babes, I'm going to hit the shower and then I'll be sleeping right here until the middle of the morning at least," Anna said with a yawn. "Unless you want the bathroom first?"

"No, you go ahead — I can wait a while."

"And by the way — Eric? Seriously hot. And fun. And a good dancer. I wish I could tell you to stay away from him because he's a bastard and all, but I'm finding it difficult. Especially the way he's looking at you. I mean..."

Emmy snorted.

"What — like he's really horny?"

"No, Em, like you're the only person in the room. Although I have to admit that the two of you could've been more... discreet. Some things I just don't need to see!"

“Oh, just go shower already — we can talk in the morning," Emmy said with a grin as she hugged her sister.

"Good night, big sis."

Anna was in the shower and Emmy was peeling off her leggings and skirt in the bedroom when her phone rang.

"You were supposed to call me when you got in," Eric said reproachfully.

"I was going to call you. I was just... busy."

"Liar. You forgot all about me.”

"I did not."

"Sure you did. Out of sight, out of mind."

"Oh, please," she said, feeling a little guilty because she had forgotten. "Where are you now?"

"Home. In my living room. Looking out of the window and thinking of you. Specifically, of you against that very window."

He was slurring a little, and she shivered at the words, a blush rising to her cheeks at the memory of that night.

"Are you drunk?" she said, trying to pretend she was unaffected.

"Yes. As a matter of fact I am trying to drown my sorrows in alcohol right this minute."

He gulped something, probably whisky, she could hear the ice cubes sloshing against the glass when he put it down.

"Sorrows, Eric? Seriously?"

"I already miss you," he said. "Also..."

He trailed off.

"Also what?"

"If I'm honest, Em, I want to sleep with you. More than you can begin to imagine."

Oh God.

"Eric..." she began.

"Not following you home tonight is the hardest thing I've ever done," he said, cutting her off. "It's been torture kissing you tonight and not being allowed to take it further."

She found herself nodding in agreement. If it hadn't been for Anna and Gina...

"I mean, don't get me wrong, it was fantastic. But I want you so much, it's unbearable."

His words were overwhelming her resolve. She couldn't help it, she crossed her legs and exhaled a shaky breath.

"Stop it, Eric."

"Why? It's the truth. And I don't hear you denying it."

"In vino veritas," she said, wryly, and he laughed.

"So am I to infer that you're not completely insensible to my attractions," he asked, teasing, which was rich considering she'd been whimpering in his arms a half-hour earlier.

"What, you want me to spell it out?"

"Yes," he said immediately. "I want you to tell me exactly how you feel, and what you want."

His voice had dropped to a dangerously seductive pitch.

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