Between Now and Heartbreak - Dylan Allen Page 0,54

the cake and the balloons before I pick up one of the brushes and run my finger along its soft, blunt bristles.

“You’re welcome, but I’ve got one more thing to show you. I wrote you a song.” He sits down at the piano and lifts the part covering the keys.

“Wait? You wrote a song? When? Where? How come I don’t know this?” I demand as I stare at him in awe.

“Here. You’re at work all day. And I’m not done. I’ve just some of the lyrics and the melody. But it’s about you.”

“Me?” I peer at him, looking for a sign that I misunderstood him.

“You’re my muse,” he clarifies.

Oh, my…I’m a goner.




She sits up, excited and smiling wide. “What’s it called?”

“Between Now and Heartbreak.”

She pouts, but her eyes are still dancing. I’m so glad inspiration struck. As soon as the idea for picking another birthday came to me, I knew it was going to be great. But her reaction, the simple joy is so much better than great. I hadn’t planned on sharing the song yet. It’s not done and I’m not sure it’s any good. But it’s time.

“I’m your muse for a song with the word heartbreak in it?”

“Yes, Beth. Heartbreak is inevitable.. I mean, even if you get a lifetime with someone you love whoever dies first is gonna break the other’s heart.”

“Wow…that’s romantic.” She quirks her pretty, naked lips.

I am so fucking sick of not being able to kiss that mouth. My eyes linger there for a minute before I answer her.

“What’s romantic is knowing the odds are stacked against you and taking a chance on something impossible, anyway. Because it’s what you want more than anything else. You can tell it’s what’s meant for you.”

I lean in and her lips part and the wet center of them is calling my name. She has held me at arm’s length for the last few weeks and I’ve stayed there because I had shit to sort out and I wanted to try it her way. Her eyes widen and she straightens away from me, but I can smell the want on her. I straighten and turn my attention back to the piano.

I’m nervous. I’ve been composing and arranging music without words for years. Writing songs is different and harder, but this song came from a place inside of me she inspired.

So I sing from my heart, to the girl who owns more of it every day. And when I get to the chorus, she’s singing with me. Our eyes meet and we sing the final refrain together.

“Between now and heartbreak, there’s a million chances to fall

Until we find our forever, for you, I’ll take them all.”

Her eyes shining with unshed tears, and when I play the final note, she claps briefly and then covers her mouth with her hand and stares wide eyed at me.

“Are those good tears?” I ask, surprised by, but not at all unhappy with, her reaction.

She drops her hands to reveal a smile, the most radiant I’ve ever seen on her face.

“Carter, this is your calling. You…” she trails off, bringing her fingers to her lip as if to still their trembling. “You should see yourself.”

I can feel what she means. When I sit down at my piano, and play music I’ve written, I can see a different version of my future. One where my audience is moved to sing along with me. Performances that are part of a group effort.

Music that I write and play.

And sing.

Her as my muse.

Me, as hers.

I act on impulse and without asking, I cup her cheeks and search her eyes - the same blue as the ocean - and see the same turmoil there as I feel inside myself.

Yes, we’ve become friends in the last few weeks. But, it’s so much more than that, too, and trying to ignore it, is like asking the stars not to shine.




“I’m going to kiss you, now,” Carter says it like he’s giving a dire warning.

“My goodness, you’re presumptuous,” I sigh, but don’t pull away. I couldn’t. His mouth is so close. That song was so beautiful and catchy. God, talk about talent.

“Fortune is on my side tonight. So, I’m going for broke. Let me kiss you,” his voice is rumble.

I’m giddy with whatever is happening, but… “Carter you said we’d just be friends.” I lick my lower lip and his eye dart to it and he moves closer to me. His big hands move so that he’s cupping head.

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