Between Now and Heartbreak - Dylan Allen Page 0,52

on his best behavior, though,” she says in a knowing voice.

“Is he? That’s good.” I can’t hide my disinterest.

“I know you two started off as…partners. But, maybe things are different now?”

I roll my eyes at the hopeful lift in her voice. “Nope, nor will there be. That’s not what this is about.”

“Well, as long as you remember your promises. You need this money, too.

I mean, your drawings are nice, but no one with any taste is going to hang them on their walls. You need to be practical. If you walk away from this, there will be no coming back.

You have a chance, Liz, that most women would kill for. Once you have that money, you won’t need anyone or anything. Please.”

“I’m not doing this for myself, Fiona.”

Cameron’s loud wail erupts in the background.

“Oh shoot, I have to go. I’m sorry. I’ll call you again soon.” She hangs up and I close my eyes and drop my head on my desk. The smooth, cool wood feels good against my hot forehead.

A chance most women would kill for. Is it? Money and marriage to man I don’t like or know very well for the financial security of my sister? Is it worth it? I think about Susan Kendicott. What her life must have been. Was her back against the wall when she pulled that trigger?

“What are you doing?” I scream and whip around at the sound of Carter’s voice.

I didn’t hear the door open and my heart hammers as I realize how distracted I am.

“Don’t sneak up on me like that,” I scold him even though he’s a sight for my weary eyes. I slam my portfolio shut just as he starts to peek over my shoulder at it.

“Why won’t you let me see what you’re working on?” He makes a feint to the left and tries to grab it. I clutch the pad to my chest and glare up at him.

“Not until it’s done.”

He frowns, but shrugs. “Okay, fine.”

“Not like you to give up so easily,” I remark.

He grins wide, his handsome face is cleanly shaved and he looks like he’s had a haircut.

He looks good enough to eat.

As always. He’s been very careful about the way he touches me. I’m the one struggling with the boundaries between us. As wrong as I know it was, I’m glad we had that day in the library.

He clears his throat and I flush when I see the knowing grin on his face.

“I was just admiring your haircut, it’s nice.”

He gives me a sweeping once over and smiles. “Your haircut is nice, too.”

I stick my tongue out at him and he throws his head back and laughs. The long column of his tanned, neck is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

Oh God, I’ve got it so bad.

“Close your eyes,” he orders.

“Why?” I narrow my eyes at him.

“I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“What kind of surprise?” I frown.

“Lord woman, can’t you just say ‘okay’ and do what you’re told? Just once.

“I hate surprises, so, nope.” I make the “p” pop and put a hand on my hip, waiting for him to spill the beans.

He shakes his head in mock disgust and rolls his eyes. “Fine, but you’re a buzzkill. We’re having a birthday party.”

“Whose birthday party?” I demand.


“No, it’s not.” My chest constricts and my neck prickles just at the thought of it. I turn back to face the drafting table.

“Awesome, be right back.” He says with a jovial voice that sounds very out place. I turn back to find him walking out of the door. I jump up and head after him.

“Where are you going?”

He just winks at me and then steps out the front door.

I’m barefoot and dressed in the shorts and tank top I slept in and so I don’t follow him out.

I pace in a small circle, my nerves dancing while I try to make sense of what he said. And why my eyes need to be closed.

A minute later, the doorbell rings.

My heart races for a second and I stare dumbly at the door.

“Beth, it’s me. My hands are full.” His voice has the same strain as someone standing outside a bathroom stall, desperate for it.

I chide myself for being silly and rush to open it. When I start to turn the handle he shouts through the door, “Wait. Don’t open it yet. Close your eyes.”

I groan “Why?”

“I promise you’ll like it. Trust me. Please.”

“Fine, but there’s a clown involved you’re dead.” I close my eyes and open Copyright 2016 - 2024