Better If He Goes (Always You #1) - Allie Everhart Page 0,99

tell you. That's why we're here. We didn't want to tell you over the phone."

"What do you need to tell me?" Brad asks, pushing his plate aside. He barely touched his meal, and neither did his parents.

"Wait until we get back to your aunt's house," Uncle John says.

Brad tosses his napkin on the table and leans back in his chair. "Just tell me now."

Uncle John looks across the table at Aunt Sheryl, who's sitting next to Brad and Riley. I'm sitting next to Uncle John with my mom on my other side. Up until now, I hadn't even noticed Brad's parents aren't sitting together.

I think I just figured out why they're here.

"Your father and I have separated," my aunt says to Brad. "He's already moved out. This week we'll be filing the paperwork for the divorce."

Brad folds his arms over his chest. "That's it?"

Riley looks at him, along with the rest of us.

"What?" he says. "I knew this was coming. It's not like it was a surprise."

"Honey, things will be changing," his mom says. "I'll be selling the house."

"I figured you would." Brad takes a breath. "Anything else?"

My aunt and uncle exchange glances.

My mom clears her throat. "Maybe we should get the check. Unless anyone would like dessert?"

"No, thanks," Riley mutters, chewing on her lip.

Brad looks at his dad. "What else? I know there's more. Just tell me."

"Go ahead, John," my aunt says in an angry tone. "Tell him."

Uncle John leans back in his chair, his eyes meeting up with Brad's. "I had to use some money to pay off our debts."

"You mean YOUR debts," Brad says, his jaw tightening.

Uncle John sighs. "Brad, we all know who's at fault here. We can't change the past. What's done is done."

"Yeah. Got it." Brad rolls his eyes. "Continue."

"Selling the house will help pay off some of it, but not all. We also had to sell the boat, some of your mother's jewelry, and the cars."

"You don't have cars anymore?"

"We traded them in for something cheaper. We'll be taking your SUV back as well and seeing what we can get for it."

"When is that happening? When I go to school?"

"That's the other issue. You'll need to delay med school for a year or two."

"Wait—what?" Brad lurches forward, bumping the table and causing his water to splash out of the glass. "Are you kidding me?"

"I'm afraid not," Uncle John says. "I had to use your college account to pay off what I owed."

"I can't fucking believe this." Brad rubs his hand over his jaw. "This can't be happening."

"Honey, it'll all work out," his mom says. "It won't be on your timeline, but you will be going to medical school."

"With what money?" he shoots back.

"Your father will be going back to work. And we might cash out some of our retirement."

"So that Dad can gamble it all away?" Brad gets up. "I'm going outside. I need some air."

"Brad, wait!" Riley follows him and they make their way to the door.

"I suppose we should go," Aunt Sheryl says, getting up from her chair.

"I'm so sorry about this." My mom takes her wallet out. "I didn't know it had come to this. Obviously I knew about the divorce but—"

"You knew about the divorce?" I ask her.

"Nate, not now." She drops some money on the table for the check.

Uncle John is already heading outside. My mom goes around the table to whisper something to my aunt.

I knew this dinner would be awkward, but I thought it'd be because of the news of Riley dating Brad, not his parents' news. I figured they were here to tell him something, but I didn't know what.

Brad isn't going to med school. His parents are splitting up. He's losing his car. He'll have to find a job.

If he hadn't taken Riley from me, I might feel bad for him. But I don't, not even a little. His life may be going to hell, but he still has the girl I love.

Chapter Twenty-Four


"Brad, wait!" I race to catch up with him as he sprints through the parking lot.

"I knew they were here to give me bad news," he says, still walking so fast I can barely keep up. "I expected the divorce, but I didn't think they'd tell me they're broke. They took my fucking college fund. I can't go to med school. What the hell am I going to do?"

"Could you get a loan?"

"Not this late. School starts in a month."

"Then try to get a loan for later. Could you start halfway Copyright 2016 - 2024