Better If He Goes (Always You #1) - Allie Everhart Page 0,97

won't last.

But my friendship with Nate would've lasted if I hadn't screwed it up. I know Nate and I haven't been getting along well this summer, but we could've fixed it. We've always been able to get past our disagreements. But not this time. This time is different. I think my friendship with Nate is over.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Brad's parents are coming to town today. After what happened yesterday, I'm not in the mood to socialize, especially with Brad's parents. I get along fine with my aunt and uncle, except when they act like they're better than us. I know my aunt will say something rude about our house. My mom's expecting that too and has already told me to just ignore whatever Aunt Sheryl says about it. I'm not sure I can do that, given my anger toward her son. A day has gone by and I'm still furious. I can't get that image of Riley and Brad on the couch out of my head.

Brad told my mom what happened. I didn't want her to know, but she sensed something was up and asked him about it, so he told her. Apparently he can be honest with my mom, but not me.

Bastard. I trusted him. He's my cousin. And a friend. But he betrayed me. He used my trust to go behind my back and steal Riley from me. He stole my best friend, and the worst part is, he still doesn't see why dating her is wrong. He keeps saying he loves her and that I could still be friends with her. But how can I be friends with someone who lied to my face for two months, and dated my cousin after I made it clear he was off limits?

I don't want to talk to either one of them anymore, or even be around them. Unfortunately, they'll be at this dinner my mom's making me go to with my aunt and uncle. I told my mom to tell Riley she was no longer invited, but she wouldn't do it. I'm hoping Riley will just decide not to come, knowing how awkward it'll be for us.

"Nate, they're here," my mom yells from the living room.

She and Brad just got home from picking his parents up from the airport.

I leave my room and go to the living room. Aunt Sheryl is standing next to my mom and Brad is next to his dad.

"Nate, it's good to see you again," Aunt Sheryl says, coming over to give me a hug. She's really skinny. I can feel her bones when I hug her. She's always been thin, but not this thin. She's probably too stressed to eat, given their financial problems.

"Good to see you too," I tell her.

Uncle John comes up beside her. "Nate." He shakes my hand. He's always been really formal. "How's the job search going?"

"Okay. I had an interview last Friday. It didn't work out, but I have another one next week in Denver."

"You do?" Brad asks.

I ignore him. He doesn't need to know what I'm doing. If he gets to keep secrets, so do I.

"I'm hoping he finds something closer," my mom says, "like maybe something in Oklahoma?" She winks at me.

The doorbell rings.

"Nate, would you get that?" my mom says, knowing it's Riley. She wants us to be friends again, but I doubt that'll happen. I don't think it's even possible after what she did.

"Brad can get it," I say.

"Nate," my mom says in her warning voice.

I reluctantly walk to the door and open it. Riley is there, wearing a sleeveless cotton dress that's white with little pink flowers on it. She's going for the sweet and demure look for Brad's parents, but it won't win them over. They'll still think she's trash when they find out she lives in a trailer and didn't go to college.

"Hi, Nate," she says, glancing at me.

"Hey." I'm trying not to look at her, but I keep doing it. She looks beautiful. If I wasn't so mad at her, I'd tell her that, and then give her a hug like I used to when we were friends. It's hard not to do that when I'm around her, which is why I can't be around her.

"Riley, come on in," my mom says. "I want you to meet Brad's parents."

She walks over to them.

"This is Brad's mom, Sheryl, and her husband, John."

"Hi, I'm Riley."

They all shake hands.

"You're Nate's friend?" Aunt Sheryl asks. "The one he talks about all the time?"

"Yes." Riley looks over at Copyright 2016 - 2024