Better If He Goes (Always You #1) - Allie Everhart Page 0,77

Hopefully tonight will go well and he'll want to see this girl again."

I go back in the salon. "My break is over. I gotta go. Have fun on your date."

"You know I won't. I'm only doing this for Nate. I'll call you when I get home tonight."

I put my phone away and go to the dryer to take out the towels. As I'm folding them, April bursts through the door.

"It's sold," she says, racing up to me.

"The salon? Already?"

"They still have to sign the paperwork, but the offer's been made and Renee accepted it."

"That sucks." I sigh. "Guess I better start looking for jobs."

"Maybe not. It's still going to be a salon. It'll just have a new owner."

"Someone who will bring in a whole new staff."

"I'm not going to worry about it until we know more."

"So you don't know who bought it?"

"No, and I don't know when they'll be taking it over."

I go back to folding towels. "Like I needed more bad news today."

"What do you mean? What else happened?"

I walk up to her and lower my voice. "Brad has a date tonight."

"He's cheating on you?" she yells.

"April, keep it down. I don't want anyone hearing us. And no, he's not cheating. He's doing it so Nate doesn't suspect anything. It's a double date. They met these girls last night and the girl Nate likes wouldn't go out with him unless her friend could go out with Brad."

"Riley, this is getting out of hand. Why don't you just tell Nate the truth?"

"And have him hate me? And hate Brad? No. Besides, who knows how long Brad and I will be a couple? It could end next week. Or tonight, if his date goes well."

"If he cheats on you, I'll kick his ass."

"Speaking of cheaters, have you heard from Wayne?"

"No, but I told him never to contact me again, so..." She rolls her eyes. "Why can't I find a decent guy?"

"Want to look for one tomorrow night?"


"At the club downtown. Nate wants Brad to go, and I thought we could go too. I don't want to spend another night at home."

"Maybe, but I don't have good luck at clubs."

"We could just go there to dance. Think about it and let me know."

"I will. I have to go check this lady's color."

She runs off and I get my phone out and text Brad. Salon was sold.

What about your job? he texts back.

Don't know yet.

You okay?

Yeah. I knew it would happen.

Try not to worry. Everything will work out. Always does.

He tells me that all the time. I don't believe him, but I like hearing it. It's better than Nate's response to bad news, which is always a lecture on what I should do.

I didn't even think to tell him about the salon. My mind immediately went to Brad instead of Nate.

"Did you hear the news?" my mom says as she storms through the door and over to me.

"April just told me."

"We're screwed." She throws her hands up. "Where the hell we gonna work now?"

"Mom, you don't know what's going to happen so just calm down."

She's been worried about this all week and drinking to calm her nerves. I haven't said anything to her about the drinking, because history has taught me that it'll just make her drink more.

"You know they're gonna fire us. That's what always happens when new owners come in. Why do you think Renee was crying at the meeting last week?" She rips her black salon apron off and tosses it on the floor. "I'm going home."

"Home? Mom, you just started your shift."

"What's the point of sticking around? Might as well go live it up with what little money we have left."

"Mom, no. Whatever money we have left has to pay bills. You're not spending it." I glance down and notice she's wearing short black boots I've never seen before. "Did you just buy those?"

"These?" She lifts her foot up and smiles. "Yeah, aren't they cute?"

"Mom! We have no money! Why are you buying new shoes?"

"Listen to me, little girl," she says, pointing her finger at me. "I am a grown woman and I will buy whatever I damn well please."

I'm so angry I can't even look at her. I turn my back to her. "I give up. I don't even care anymore."

I hear her new boots clicking on the floor as she leaves. Tears well up in my eyes and I run out the back door to get some fresh air, forcing myself not to cry.

I hear Brad's voice Copyright 2016 - 2024