Better If He Goes (Always You #1) - Allie Everhart Page 0,60

just surprised. But I think it's great you're dating. Albert seems really nice."

"He is," she says, glancing back at him. "We used to work together, but he recently left for a different firm." She turns back to me. "Don't tell Nate this, but I've been dating for years. As soon as he left for college, I decided it was time to get out there again. I didn't want to tell Nate until I actually found someone I might have a future with."

"Is Albert that someone?" Brad asks.

"I'm not sure yet. We need more time together. I don't see him as much I'd like. His daughter moved back home recently with her child, so he's been adjusting to that. This is the first we've been out in weeks."

"We should get going," I say, glancing at Brad. "Let you get back to your date."

She remains there, her eyes going between Brad and me. "Nate didn't tell me you two were dating."

"We're not," I rush to say. "We just went to a movie and had dinner. Nate knows. We told him all about it."

"Riley, you don't have to pretend," she says. "I saw Brad holding your hand when I walked in. And I've seen how you two look at each other when you're over at the house. I suspected something was going on."

I look at Brad to respond. I don't know what to say.

Is Kathy mad at me? Is she going to tell Nate? I feel like I'm going to be sick. This wasn't supposed to happen. I never in a million years thought I'd run into Nate's mom. On a date with some guy named Albert!

"We decided it'd be best to keep this from Nate," Brad says. "After what happened the other night, we didn't think he'd react too well."

"Yes, I'd have to agree." She purses her lips as her eyes go to me. "I must say I'm surprised you would do this, Riley. You and Nate have been friends for so long. Out of all the boys you could've dated, you had to choose Brad?"

"She didn't plan on this," Brad says. "And neither did I. We're not trying to hurt Nate, and honestly, I'm a little surprised you're taking his side in this. Riley can date whoever she wants."

"Yes, but this is different. Nate's always admired you, Brad. He's always wanted to be like you. He's even a little jealous of you."

"Jealous? Why?"

"Your grades are better. You're more popular. You have money, your parents' connections. I'm not saying it's right, but Nate has always felt like he's had to struggle while you've had it easy."

"I have NOT had it easy," Brad says, getting angry. "You and Nate don't have any idea. All you see is what my mom lets you see. But now, with my dad, you're finally seeing it's not the perfect picture you thought it was."

She puts her hand on his arm. "I know, and I'm sorry about that. And you're right that Sheryl doesn't tell me everything, but even so, you have to at least see where Nate is coming from. You've always excelled, whether it be sports, academics, jobs. And now you're dating Riley, the girl he's always wanted."

"Always?" I say. "He said he just started feeling this way."

Kathy turns to me. "I don't know how long it's been. All I know is he'd rather have you be with anyone but Brad."

"Okay, that's enough. We're going." Brad takes my hand. "Sorry Aunt Kathy, but you don't get a say in who I date. And you need to stop protecting Nate. He's always trying to get everyone to feel sorry for him when things don't work out. He's been doing that forever and you keep letting him. I love him like a brother, but he needs to grow up and realize things aren't always going to go his way." He tugs on my hand. "Let's go."

We leave, and when I look back, I see Kathy watching us as she makes her way over to Albert.

"She's going to tell Nate," I say when we're driving away.

"She won't. She doesn't want her little boy getting hurt."

"He's already hurting. She'll want to tell him now and get it over with. Or maybe she'll tell him because she thinks it'll make us break up."

"She won't tell him. I'll talk with her when I get home."

"She's not going to listen to you."

"Then Nate's going to find out his mom is dating."

"You're going to blackmail your aunt?"

"It's not blackmail. She's no better than us Copyright 2016 - 2024