Better If He Goes (Always You #1) - Allie Everhart Page 0,6

off. She's an accountant at a small firm in town and spends her free time quilting or reading. She also loves to cook, which is another reason Riley likes coming over. There's never any food at the trailer, or if there is, Charlene's boyfriends eat it all.

"Do you think it's true?" Riley asks, wiping her hands on her napkin.

"Is what true?"

"Do you think we act like a couple? Like we're dating?"

"No, not at all," I say, but the truth is, we definitely act like a couple. "We've just been friends for so long we're comfortable holding hands or hugging each other. That doesn't make us a couple."

"That's what I think too. People just aren't used to seeing a guy and girl be such close friends without it becoming more than that. My mom thinks it's impossible. She says there's no way a guy can be friends with a girl without wanting more. She's convinced we're doing stuff, even though I keep telling her we're not."

"People will think what they want, no matter what we say."

Riley leans back in the booth, bringing her knee up and resting her chin on it as she looks at me across the table. "Have you ever considered it?"


"Us dating."

There goes my heart again, kicking up its pace as I try to figure out how to answer. This isn't the time to talk about this. I'm not ready to say it, and I don't think she's ready to hear it. I just got back to town. We need more time.

"Not really," I lie. "What about you?"

She pauses, which makes me think she's about to tell me she HAS thought about it and it's what she wants. I smile as I realize we might actually want the same thing.

"Riley?" I say, getting her attention.

"Um, yeah, I've thought about it."


She shrugs, putting her leg back under the table. "It was a long time ago. Back then I thought it'd ruin our friendship to even try, so I put it out of my head."

I'm not sure what that means. She didn't rule it out, but she also didn't say she wanted it. We're older now so it's possible she'd be willing to at least try taking our relationship beyond a friendship, but then why doesn't she tell me that? Is she waiting for me to bring it up?

Maybe that's it. Maybe she thinks I'm not interested. I basically just told her I wasn't by telling her I've never thought of us that way. Damn, why did I say that? I was trying to delay telling her how I feel, but instead I made it sound like I have no interest in dating her when in reality that's exactly I want.

Why do I always screw this up? I swear I have the worst timing. I never do things when I should. Maybe I should just tell her now. But I can't. I'm not ready. I haven't even rehearsed what I'm going to say.

My phone dings and I look down at it and see a text from Brad.

Plans changed. Won't be there until Friday.

I pick up my phone and text back. Everything okay?

Just the usual family drama. See you Friday.

"Who is it?" Riley asks as I set my phone down.

"My cousin, Brad. He's coming here for the summer. He's going to be working at the pool with us."

"Your cousin's spending the summer here?" Riley leans forward across the table. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just found out. He called a couple days ago and asked if he could stay with my mom and me for the summer. He's got major family drama going on at home and he doesn't want to be there."

"Which cousin? Have I met him?"

"No. He's never been here. He lives in Arizona. His mom is my mom's sister. We've been out there a lot to visit, but they never come here. They have a way better house than ours, and it's huge. Brad's family has money. Or they used to."

"Used to? Meaning they don't anymore?"

"I don't really know. All I know is that they don't have as much as they used to."

"Why? What happened?"

"I'll tell you, but when you meet Brad, act like you don't know. I don't think he wants people knowing."

"Okay, so what is it?"

"His dad has a gambling addiction. My aunt didn't know about it until creditors started calling her. My uncle hid it from her for years. Turns out he'd lost a ton of money and was going to casinos every day to Copyright 2016 - 2024