Better If He Goes (Always You #1) - Allie Everhart Page 0,54

of those wonderfully addictive tingles throughout my body.

I grab hold of his shirt as his mouth returns to mine, his kiss now hotter and deeper, making my knees feel like they're about to buckle.

"The couch," I say, pulling on him to move. But just as we start to, I hear a loud truck outside.

"What is it?" Brad says when I pull away. "Is something wrong?"

I sigh. "That's Dave's truck. My mom's home."

The door swings open and there she is, wearing a short denim skirt, tight red blouse, and red cowboy boots.

"Hey, sugar," she says, chomping on her gum. Her eyes dart to Brad, looking him up and down. She's clearly checking him out and doesn't care if he notices. She does it to all the guys I have over, which is why I usually don't invite them here.

"Well, who's this fine piece of man?" she says, stumbling over to him. She's been drinking. I should've known when I saw her chomping on gum. She thinks the minty gum will hide the liquor on her breath, but it doesn't. I still smell it on her.

"Brad Whittaker." He holds his hand out to my mom. "Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure's all mine," she says, shaking his hand. She winks at me. "You hit the jackpot with this one. Where'd you find him?"

"He's Nate's cousin. He's from Arizona. Just here for the summer. You saw him that day at the salon, remember?"

"That's right. I thought he looked familiar." She looks Brad up and down. "Nate's cousin, huh? You definitely won the lottery in the looks department. Not that Nate isn't cute. He's just—"

"Mom, what do you need? Where's Dave?"

"He's waiting in the truck. I forgot my purse, so we came back to get it."

"It's right over there," I say, pointing to the kitchen table.

She ignores me, talking to Brad. "So where are you taking her?"

"We don't know yet," I say, answering for him. "Mom, you should go. Dave's waiting."

"He doesn't mind. He's on his phone." She looks at us both. "So Nate's okay with this? You two dating?"

"It's not a date," I say. "We're just going out. As friends. Mom, I told you how I've been going out with Nate and his cousin. It's just tonight Nate wanted to stay home."

"Sure looks like a date to me," she says. "Wearing a dress? Your hair like that?" She leans closer. "And is that my eyeshadow you're wearing?"

I back away. "I just borrowed it. I put it back."

"Charlene!" I hear Dave yell from outside the door. "Hurry the hell up!"

Dave usually annoys me when he's around, but this time I'm happy he's here. Maybe he can get her to leave.

My mom rolls her eyes. "The man has no patience." She goes to get her purse, then stops at the door. "Have fun you two!"

"We will. Bye, Mom."

I wait for her to leave, then look out the window and watch as they drive off.

"They're gone," I say, turning back to Brad. "So that's my mom."

"She's very friendly," he says with a smile.

"Sorry she checked you out like that. She sees a hot guy and forgets it's not appropriate to stare. And when she's drunk, it's even worse. You're lucky she didn't put her hands all over you."

"I wouldn't have let her." He walks up to me and pulls me into his arms. "Only her daughter gets to do that."

I smile. "You're giving me permission to touch you?"

He smiles back. "Anywhere you want."

"How about here?" I reach up and kiss him.

He pulls me closer and kisses me back, sparking an insatiable need for more. I keep telling myself to stop before going too far with him, but one kiss is all it takes to change my mind. There's just something about him. Something I've never felt before. If I'd felt this way with Nate, we would've dated a long time ago. But I never felt like this with Nate. Not even close.

I pull away, suddenly feeling guilty for kissing Brad. Maybe it's because of that comment my mom made asking if Nate was okay with this. I know I don't need Nate's permission, but I also know how much it would hurt him if I dated Brad.

"Riley, what's wrong?" Brad asks.

"We're not supposed to do this."

He sighs, looking down and shaking his head. "I know what you're thinking. I'm thinking it too. Believe me, Riley, the last thing I want to do is hurt Nate, but I didn't expect this to happen. I didn't expect to meet you Copyright 2016 - 2024