Better If He Goes (Always You #1) - Allie Everhart Page 0,51

for one, how the hell did you get those boobs?"

I look down at my chest. "From my mom, except mine came later than hers."

"Lucky you. My mom gave me wide hips and a fat ass."

"Your ass isn't fat."

"You obviously haven't looked at it." She turns around and points to it. It's bigger than it was in high school, but not huge. "You know how hard it is to find jeans to fit this?"

"You should be happy about it. A lot of guys love a girl with a little extra back there."

She laughs. "I know. This ass gets me asked out a lot. Two guys just today."

"Really? Here at the pool?"

"Yeah. I turned them down." She leans against the locker. "So what's going on with you and Nate?"

"Nothing. Why do you ask?"

She smiles. "He wants you so bad. Back in high school, I thought for sure you guys would be married by now. Everyone did."

"Why? We didn't even date."

"But everyone knew Nate was in love with you. We weren't sure if you were in love with him. So are you?"

"No. We're just friends." I shut my locker and go around her to get a towel.

"Seriously?" She rushes over to me. "You really don't love him?"

"Not the way you're talking about."

She'd already know that if she'd noticed my attraction to Brad and saw him kiss me during CPR training. Since she didn't, it means Giada was exaggerating when she said everyone thinks there's something going on between Brad and me. She's probably the only one who noticed, which is good. I don't want anyone knowing.

"Now it makes sense," Tara says.

"What makes sense?"

"Johnny kept saying there was something going on between you and Brad. I told him he was crazy, but then when Brad kissed you during the CPR demo, I thought maybe Johnny was right. I just couldn't imagine you cheating on Nate like that."

"I'm not cheating on Nate," I blurt out.

"So you ARE dating Brad."

"No! But if I were, which I'm not, it wouldn't be cheating because Nate and I are only friends. We've never been anything more than that."

"And Nate feels the same way?"

I sigh. "No. He wants more, but I can't give him more. I don't feel that way about him."

"Meaning he's single?" she asks with a smile.

"Are you saying you want to go out with Nate?"

She shrugs. "Maybe. I always thought he was cute back in high school. Now he's all grown up and kinda hot. You wouldn't mind, would you?"

"Um, no. Go ahead. Ask him out."

"I'll think about it." She walks off. "See ya!"

Nate dating Tara? Why does that bother me? It shouldn't. He can date whoever he wants. Tara and I have never really been friends, but I don't have anything against her. I can't really see Nate with her, but what do I know? Maybe they'd be a good match.

I should encourage this. If Nate's dating someone, he won't want to spend all his time with me and then I'll be free to hang out with Brad. I can't believe I'm even thinking that. Just a few weeks ago, I was worried Brad would interfere with my time with Nate, and now I'm actually hoping that will happen. I still want to spend time with Nate, but not if he's going to be angry with me all summer. I'd much rather be with Brad.

Chapter Thirteen


"Thanks for the ride," I say to Brad as we stand outside his SUV, just in front of the trailer.

"Pick you up around six-thirty?" he asks.

"It's already six. Don't you need more time? You said you have to stop at the store. And then you'll have to go home and change and—"

"What time do you want me here?" he asks with a smile.

My heart stutters at that damn smile. "Um, whenever is fine."

"I'm kind of in a hurry to get this night started. It's not that often it's just the two of us, without Nate."

"That's true." I glance over at Dave's truck. "Sooner would be better. Looks like Dave's here so..."

"You don't want to watch him and your mom make out. Got it. I'll hurry and get back when I can. I'll text when I'm on my way." He opens his door and I watch as he gets in.

"Brad, wait!" I race over to him.


I stand next to his door, wondering why the hell I'm about to say this but unable to stop myself.

"That's not the reason," I say, gulping down a breath.

"Not sure what we're talking about," he says in Copyright 2016 - 2024