Better If He Goes (Always You #1) - Allie Everhart Page 0,32

like hanging out with you. It's just tonight—"

"Yeah. Got it." He pats me on the shoulder. "You don't have to explain. We're good. And actually, I took Giada up on her offer. We're going to a new restaurant downtown tonight."

"Oh, yeah? That's great!"

"What's great?" Riley asks, walking into the break room. God, she's gorgeous. The red, one-piece suit they make the girls wear is basic and plain but it looks amazing on Riley with her long legs, curvy hips, and those ample breasts more than filling up the cups. It's no wonder I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes on the pool.

"Looking for something?" Brad asks her.

"A bandage. One of the little girls cut her finger." She looks through the first aid box. "These are all too big."

"Use these." Brad tosses her a box of bandages with cartoons printed on them.

"Where'd you get these?" she asks.

"I bought them when I was at the store this morning. They fit the little kids better than the ones in the first aid box, and they're more fun than the plain bandages."

"TJ will reimburse you for those," I say.

"It was nothing. A few bucks." He stands up. "I need to head back out there."

"What were you guys talking about when I came in?" Riley asks, pulling a bandage from the box.

"Brad's going out with Giada tonight," I say.

Riley looks at Brad and he looks at her. Neither of them says anything.

"What's going on?" I ask. "Am I missing something?"

"No," Riley says. "I'm just surprised. I thought he turned her down."

"I did," he says. "But we're both free tonight, so what the hell?"

"I need to go." She hurries past him out of the break room.

"Was it just me or was she acting strange?" I ask Brad.

"She seemed fine to me. I have to get out there before TJ yells at me."

"Yeah. See ya."

When my shift ends at five, I race home to look over my notes for the interview. My phone rings right at six and I find it's not just one person doing the interview but a whole team. They fire questions at me for a half hour, then tell me more about the job and the company. By the time it's over, my nerves are frazzled and I need a shower from sweating so much.

"Hey," I say to Riley when she picks up. "That interview was freaking intense. I was sweating just trying to keep up. I need to shower and then I'll head over."

"How'd it go? You think you'll get the job?"

"I have no idea. They said they'd follow up with me in a couple weeks. They have a lot of people to interview."

"What type of questions did they ask?"

"I'll tell you later. I need to go clean up. I'll be there in a half hour. Sound good?"

"Yeah. Bye."

I take a shower but know I'll be sweating again in an hour or two when I tell Riley how I feel about her. I'm so nervous. I don't know when to do it. Do I wait until after dinner? Tell her before? Or should I wait until later tonight?

When I get to Riley's, Charlene greets me at the door wearing a short silky robe that's open enough that I can see her lacy red bra.

"Hey there, sugar." She gives me a hug, her nearly naked breasts pressing against my chest. I'm used to it. When I first met Charlene, I couldn't believe how she dressed when I came over, but now I think nothing of it. She'll even walk around topless when I'm here.

"Hey, Charlene." I walk past her into the trailer. "How've you been?"

"Real good." She smiles with her glossy red lips. "Got me a nice man. Been making good tips at the salon." She points to her boobs. "And these still aren't sagging." She laughs.

"Speaking of the salon, someone said it might close. Is that just a rumor?"

"Renee keeps saying she's going to sell, but it's never gonna happen. Who's gonna buy it? Nobody around here has that kind of money."

Riley appears. "Renee's selling the salon?"

"Riley, you know that girl is all talk," Charlene says. "Remember that time she kept telling us she was gonna run off to New York and be in those plays?"

"Yeah, but this is different. This could actually happen, and if it did, where would we work?"

Charlene goes over to her. "Honey, don't you worry about things that ain't ever gonna happen. You just go out with your little boyfriend and have a good night. Where Copyright 2016 - 2024