Better If He Goes (Always You #1) - Allie Everhart Page 0,28

We have a dummy for that. Brad, you can demonstrate."

"No problem," he says, going to stand between Giada and Kent. Why'd he move over there? Does he not want to stand by me?

The orientation continues with TJ reading from the booklet. It's so boring, nobody's listening.

"Okay, everyone in the pool," TJ says, setting the booklet down.

"Why?" Johnny asks, yawning as he stretches his arms out.

"Because none of you can seem to stay awake. I want ten minutes of laps. Timer starts once everyone's in."

Everyone groans and complains as we strip down to our suits. Brad was already stripped down, wearing just his swim trunks and flip flops. Was he just trying to get some sun on his chest or was he showing off his muscles? He doesn't seem like a showoff. He's confident, but doesn't seem conceited.

I notice Giada watching him as he dives into the deep end. She saunters over there and takes off her t-shirt, revealing her large boobs and curvy hips.

Nate comes up beside me. "What do you think? Brad and Giada. Think they'll hook up?"

"Hook up? They just met!" I say in an angry tone.

"Why are you getting so upset? Don't you think they make a good couple? Look at them. She's super hot, and he's annoyingly good-looking."

"You think she's hot?" I glance at her. "Why? Because she has big boobs?"

"Riley, what is going on with you? Are you jealous of Giada?"

"No! I just..." I stop, lost for words and wishing I'd just kept quiet.

"You have nothing to be jealous of. You're way hotter than her. I mean, sure she has big boobs but believe me," he glances down at mine, "you definitely compete with her in that category. Yours are—"

"Okay, stop," I say, pushing him away. I cross my arms over my chest. "I'm not jealous. I just think it's too soon for your cousin to be hooking up with someone. He just got here. And he's supposed to be spending his summer with you, not Giada."

"I don't expect Brad to spend all his time with me. In fact, I don't want him to. I want to spend the summer with you, not him."

Giada laughs, drawing my attention back to her. She's standing at the edge of the pool, sticking her chest out.

"Get ready to save me," she says to Brad. Then she dives into the pool. It's a perfect dive, and Brad compliments her on it.

"She's good," Nate says.

"Yeah, well, I bet I'm a faster swimmer than her."

"Riley, seriously, why are you acting like this? Did she do something in the locker room to piss you off?"

"No." I sigh. "Actually, she was really nice. She gave me a hairband because I forgot to bring one."

"Then what's the deal?"

"I don't know. Guess I'm just tired and cranky."

"Maybe you should stay home tonight. Get some rest."

"I can't. Dave has tonight off, which means he and my mom will be doing it all night."

"Tell your mom to go to his place."

"She won't. He has a dog, and she's allergic. Besides, I don't want to be home tonight. I'd rather go out with you and Brad."

"The way things are going, I'm not sure he'll be joining us." He points to Brad, who's talking to Giada. She's smiling and leaning back against the edge of the pool, putting her boobs on display.

"You really think they'll hook up?" I ask.

"Maybe not hook up, but I wouldn't be surprised if they went out tonight."

"Huh. Well, I guess we'll go out without him then." I force my eyes away from Brad and see that everyone else is now in the water. "We should get in."

Nate and I walk to the side of the pool and get in the shallow end. I look up and notice Brad watching me. Giada is now swimming toward us, but Brad remains in the deep end, leaning against the wall, his eyes locked on mine.

What the hell is he up to? Just minutes ago he was flirting with Giada and now I feel like he's flirting with me. Is he just some player who wants to sleep with as many women as possible before the end of summer?

"Riley, you coming?" Nate asks.

I look over and see him lined up against the wall. Everyone else is lined up too. I swim over to him, and when I stop, I feel a rush of water go past me.

"Hey!" Brad pops up from the water, wiping it from his face. "Want to race?"

"Not really," I say, annoyed with him.

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