Better If He Goes (Always You #1) - Allie Everhart Page 0,23

a shift?"

"Usually five, unless there's a reason we need more." I point to the street that's coming up. "Turn right. It's down there."

Brad turns, and we continue along the side road that goes to the pool.

"You might like Tara," I say.

"What do you mean?" He glances at me. "Like to date?"

"Yeah. She kind of reminds me of you."

"How so?"

"Really driven. Focused on her career. She majored in business and wants to run her own company. She told me all about it last year."

"What kind of company?"

"Something to do with software. You'd have to ask her. I don't remember. She was hoping to get a job at a software company after college so she could meet up with some developers and convince them to join whatever company she starts."

He pulls into the pool parking lot. "She sounds ambitious."

"Just like you. I think you two would be perfect for each other."

"For the summer," he reminds me.

"Well, yeah, but she's the same way. She doesn't want anything serious. That's why you guys would be a good match."

He parks and grabs his backpack from the floor behind me. "I'm okay being single this summer."

We get out of the SUV and walk up to the building that's next to the pool. It isn't much—just a check-in desk and lockers on both sides. It's made of concrete blocks that have been painted blue.

"When I was a kid coming here," I say, "I ran out of the locker room and slipped on the wet floor, hitting the concrete wall and breaking my head open. Got forty stitches."

"I don't remember that. How old were you?"

"Four. You were too young to remember."

"I remember being four. That's when we lived in the apartment and ate peanut butter sandwiches for every meal." Brad shakes his head as we go to the locker room. "Not a good time."

"Sorry, man. I didn't mean to bring you back there."

"Don't worry about it. It was a long time ago. And given what's happening now, those times don't seem so bad." He sets his backpack down on the bench. "Do I just pick a locker?"

"No, over here." I motion him to follow me to the back. "These are the staff lockers. Just put your lock on one and it's yours."

He opens the first locker and backs away. "What the hell's that smell?"

"Probably mildew. They're really old," I say, laughing. "This place isn't as fancy as the pool you're used to. Not even close."

The pool he used to work at was in a ritzy neighborhood in Scottsdale. It was a public pool but looked like something you'd see at a five star resort.

"It'll be fine," he says. "Just needs to dry out. I'll get one of those gel things that sucks up moisture. You want one for yours?"

"Yeah, and get one for Riley too. I'll pay you for it. Oh, and let me pay you for last night." I get my wallet out.

"Put it away. I'm not taking it. I was happy to take her out. We had a good time."

"You sure? Can I at least give you a twenty?" I hold one out to him.

"Keep it. When you're feeling better, we'll go back to the brewery. First round's on you."

"Okay, well, thanks. And thanks for taking her out."

"No problem." He unzips his backpack. "So mostly little kids come here or what?"

"We get all ages. Little kids, teens, adults. Depends on the day. Kids come out in any kind of weather. People our age only show up when it's hot and sunny. Girls come to tan and guys come to look at the girls."

He laughs. "Some things never change."

"I know, right? That was the whole reason I wanted to be a lifeguard back in high school. To look at girls. Get dates."

"And did it work?"

"Yeah, actually it did."

"Maybe you'll meet someone this summer. Or this week. It's supposed to be hot and sunny. You said that brings the girls out, right?"

"Yeah, but I'm not looking. I already have someone."

"That's right. I forgot about this mystery girl." He smiles. "When are you gonna make your move?"

"I haven't decided. But it's not going to be today, or this week. I need more time."

He turns to me. "Dude, you gotta say something to this girl. You can't wait. I knew this guy in college who was totally in love with a girl but kept putting off telling her. They'd been friends for two years and that whole time, he couldn't tell her how he really felt. Then right before he Copyright 2016 - 2024