Better If He Goes (Always You #1) - Allie Everhart Page 0,15

there? I don't know why that would make a difference. I've already decided he's off limits.

"Hey, babe!" I hear my mom say to Dave in what she considers her sexy voice, which is a few octaves higher than her normal voice. "Got off a few minutes early."

I hear the couch squeak and know they're making out. The trailer walls are paper thin. I can hear everything, which is why I wear headphones to bed whenever one of her guys sleeps over.

Grabbing a towel, I race to the shower before having to hear more sounds from my mom and Dave. When I'm done in the bathroom, I see my mom's door is closed. At least they took it to the bedroom instead of doing it in the living room.

A text pops up on my phone. When can you be ready?

I don't recognize the number.

Who's this? I text back.

Brad. Nate gave me your number.

I chew on my lip, suddenly nervous like I was when I saw him at the salon.

He texts again. I'm out doing stuff and thought I'd swing by and pick you up early.

Does Nate know about this? If so, why didn't he tell me?

I just showered, I text. Need to get ready.

How long do you need?

I could just tell him to wait until tonight like we originally planned, but I really want to get out of here so I don't have to listen to my mom and Dave. And part of me wouldn't mind seeing Brad sooner rather than later.

Give me ten minutes, I text.

Racing to my closet, I shuffle through the hangers and decide on a denim mini skirt and white tank. It's nothing great, but I don't have a lot of clothes to choose from.

Ten minutes later, a shiny white SUV pulls up next to the trailer. Nate must've given Brad my address. Seeing his fancy SUV and knowing he comes from a rich family, I'm embarrassed having him see where I live. I'm sure Nate told him I live in a trailer, but I'm still embarrassed. It's not even a nice trailer. It's old and dumpy and has weeds growing all around it.

As Brad gets out of the SUV, I race to the door so he won't have to come inside.

"Hey!" I wave at him as I walk out. "Right on time."

"Yeah." His eyes slide down my body before returning to my face. He was totally checking me out, but I'm sure he does that with all girls. "Let me get the door." He comes around and opens it for me.

"Thanks." My gaze meets up with his and stays there a moment, neither of us looking away. I'm feeling that nervous flutter again, probably because I've never been around a guy who's this freaking hot. Or maybe it's because I know he's off limits.

"You look gorgeous," he says with a smile before closing my door.

"Thanks," I say. I know it's not a date, but the compliment and him opening my door makes me feel like we're on a date.

The SUV is cold from the air conditioning and I shiver.

"I'll turn it down," Brad says, messing with the panel on the dashboard. "I run hot so I've always got it on high."

"Our air doesn't work so I'm used to it being warm."

He checks the mirror as he backs up. "How long have you lived there?"

"My whole life." I look down at the black rubber mats on the floor. They're so clean they look brand new.

"You know I don't care, right?"

I feel his eyes on me and look out the side window, not answering his question.

"I'm not someone who cares how much money you have. Ask Nate. He'll tell you, if he hasn't already."

"He didn't really say much about you."

"What do you want to know?" he asks as he turns out of the trailer park.

I pause, watching the road go by. "Why don't you care?"

"About what?"

"How much money people have?"

"Because I used to not have any. When my parents divorced, my mom didn't have a job. She had to sell the house and move us into a studio apartment. I was really young so I don't remember much from those years, but I remember my mom not having enough money for groceries."

"So this is your mom's second marriage?"

"Yeah. She married John when I was five. He was already a successful lawyer and had a huge house. We went from poverty to luxury overnight."

"And you get along with him? Your stepdad?"

"I did until recently. He's really the only father Copyright 2016 - 2024