Better If He Goes (Always You #1) - Allie Everhart Page 0,105

my cheeks.

"I love that you're supporting me in this. I wouldn't have felt right going if you didn't want me to. I know we can make this work. It'll just take some effort."

"Yeah." I wipe my eyes. "So when do you leave?"

"Next Friday. Until then, I'll do as much as I can to get the house ready for the sale."

"When do you think you'll be back?"

"Hopefully Thanksgiving. You should come here for that. We always have a huge dinner and it'll give you a chance to meet my brother. You could even bring your mom."

"Not sure your parents would go for that."

"They'll warm up to you. They just need to get to know you."

They'll never warm up to me. I'm not the type of girl they want for their son. They made that clear at dinner that night with their disapproving looks and comments.

I won't be going there for Thanksgiving. I doubt Brad will even come home for it. He'll probably have to stay in the dorms and study.

The more I think about this, the sadder I feel. But I know this is what's best for him. It's his dream. It's what'll make him happy. It's what he needs to do.

"I'm really happy for you, Brad. You're going to do great there."

"Enough about me. Tell me what's going on there. How was work?"

"Same as always. Some kid slipped and fell into the deep end, but Nate jumped in and saved him. It sounds more dramatic than it was. The kid was only in there a few seconds. Oh, here's some news. Nate took me to breakfast this morning."

It's news because I haven't gone out with Nate since Brad left town. Nate and I talk a little at work, but that's about it. We're more acquaintances now than friends, which makes me sad, but I don't know how to fix it. He still doesn't want me dating Brad. And sometimes at the pool I catch him watching me, giving me that look that says he wishes I was his girlfriend, which makes it hard to be friends with him.

"Why'd he take you to breakfast?" Brad asks.

"He wanted to complain about his mom. She finally told him about her boyfriend."

"And he didn't take it well."

"No. He was mad she didn't tell him sooner and then he went on this rant about how everyone lies to him and he's sick of it."

"People only lie to him because he acts like a child when they tell him the truth."

"He doesn't get that. He thinks everyone's against him. I don't know what happened, but Nate's really changed. He's always complaining and jealous of everyone. He never used to be like that."

"Nate's always been someone who's wanted things to work out exactly how he imagined. When they don't, he gets frustrated and blames other people instead of just figuring out a different solution."

"But by doing that, he pushes people away."

"Just give it time. He'll eventually find his way and then maybe you two will be friends again."

"Maybe, although I doubt I'll hear from him much after he moves."

"He got a job?"

"Yeah. In Denver. It's the one he interviewed for like a month ago. They finally called him back and offered him the job. He starts September first."

"Good for him. I'd call and congratulate him, but he'd probably hang up on me."

Nate hasn't talked to Brad since he left. Brad's tried calling him and sending him texts, but Nate just ignores him.

"I went out with Giada last night," I say.

"Yeah. What's new with her?"

"She's leaving soon too. She's going back to Dallas at the end of the month. I'm really going to miss her."

"You guys can still be friends."

"I know, but it won't be the same, not seeing her every day. She invited me to come over tomorrow night. Her roommate's making lasagna and they're watching movies."

"Sounds fun."

"It does, but I'm not sure if I'll go."

"Why wouldn't you?"

"I haven't been feeling that great."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I've just been really tired. Probably because my mom keeps blasting the TV all night. Now that she doesn't have to get up for work, she stays up all night watching TV."

"Tell her to turn it down."

"I do, but she doesn't listen."

"Go to Giada's tomorrow. It'll get you out of there for a few hours and you'll get to eat lasagna. You love lasagna." He pauses and I hear someone talking in the background. "Yeah, Mom, just a minute."

"You need to go?"

"My mom just needs help with some boxes. It can wait."

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