Betrayed - By Ellie Jones Page 0,25

incomprehensible emotions and memories. Storms made her sad. They often gave her nightmares, though she had no idea why.

She chose her new silky blue pants gathered into delicate pleats at the waist, and a top with a sweetheart neckline. She examined herself in the mirror. She looked good, and felt good. Not to impress, she told herself, but because she happened to like the outfit.

Rafael was already eating as she went downstairs. He said expansively, “Es la tortilla Española for breakfast. It’s warming under the grill. Señora Aliaga has the day off so we’ll have to fend for ourselves. I’ve made it.”

“I’m quite capable.”

“I didn’t say you weren’t. But I happened to be up first and did it.”

Rain lashed the door, and Rafael glanced at the time. “Damn! I wonder how long it’ll be like this. This wasn’t forecast. It can take us by surprise sometimes. The geography of the sierras and sea plays the very devil with weather.”

Katrina watched as he pushed back his chair and stood. He wore a loose shirt that allowed a glimpse of chest as he turned to pick up his plates. Dressed like that, he looked rugged. He’d never realised how enticing it was, even as a student.

He said. “Well we came here to work and it looks as though it’s the only thing that nature is going to allow. When you’ve finished eating, there are things we need to talk over. We’ll make our way to the factory later if the rain eases, but there’s no sense in getting soaked.”

Close contact with him today, was one thing she couldn’t handle. Looking the way he did she was going to need all her wits to keep her thoughts from straying. Today she didn’t feel as if she had the wit. She took a steadying breath. “No,” she said. “I’ll work alone. It’ll give me chance to understand what’s wanted.”

He arched a brow. “Unless you convince me otherwise, we’ll do it my way.”

“And what makes you think you’re so right?”

He disregarded her and walked to the door. “I’ll be in the library when you’re ready.”

She strode to the grill and served herself some of tortilla. She took her time over breakfast, but eventually could put it off no longer, and with a sigh went to join him.

“Ah! Good.” He patted the seat by his side. “I’ll come straight to the point. You’re a sharp designer, Kat. However, Papá’s opinion is that the business hasn’t been handled well. I need to get my head around it.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“I was hoping you might be able to offer a few pointers. Some strange practices have been used.”

“How dare you!”

His eye flicked up. He said quietly, “I dare, because that’s what I’m here to do.”

Kat scowled. “This is my Dad’s company you’re talking about.”

He sat back, “In general, success is brought about by proper planning and by delegation, and Finery & Frocks hasn’t had it.”

“You can’t say that? You know very little about our company.”

“Well for a start, without warning your father has dumped everything onto your shoulders. That isn’t delegation, that’s copping-out, but I’m afraid I still need answers, and you’re johnny-on-the spot.”

Instead of sitting by his side, she sat opposite, frigid. He studied her inquiringly, stood, brought a pile of papers, moved to her side, and sat.

Kat’s fingers fluttered nervously. They were too close. He invaded her space. She edged away, but he edged closer. Why did her stomach feel so damned compressed? She budged away again, furious.

He said, “You seem to have developed a problem. Has someone hurt you? You were never like this before.”

Kat refused to look at him. “I don’t do close contact,” she said carefully, “Perhaps I need to remind you, Rafael. We drifted apart. Had you forgotten? I only do close when I’m comfortable with people.”

“Drifted? Did we drift?”

“Of course.”

“It didn’t seem that way to me. I recall being dumped. This isn’t some stranger you’re talking about. You left with no explanation, no reason. What was I supposed to think, Kat? What was I supposed to do?”

Kat blinked to stop her eyes stinging. How the hell could she tell him that she’d finished with him because she’d wanted him too much? How could she say that her tangled emotions had threatened to take over, that simply being with him had sucked away her life force?

She kept her voice even. “We just weren’t meant for each other. You might be able to kid yourself, but I know my feelings simply altered and I thought Copyright 2016 - 2024