Betrayed - By Ellie Jones Page 0,17

a long time.”

He tossed the napkin aside then guided her to the centre of the room to join the other couples. He clicked his heels then poised theatrically, one arm curved over his head, the other around her waist.

She said with alarm. “People are watching.”

“So what’s the problem?” He started to move with dignified grace. They danced in silence for a time, concentrating on the music; whirling and spinning then he leaned to her. “Now tell me how I offended you.”

They were close. For a moment, she could have sworn he was breathing the scent of her hair. She looked up sharply to warn him off, but he reeled away, but as quickly they came together again.

Kat was obliged to arch over backward into his arms. “Well?” he said as she curved over.

“Well what?”

“Why don’t you want to stay here?”

She said defiantly, “Nothing. I just don’t feel like whooping it up. I’ve already told you.”

“You feign composure, but something’s bubbling away. Careful it doesn’t burst out.”

They were spinning again. Swinging together, she said, “You’re wrong! I’m the epitome of calm. I always have been.”

“Superficially, but in reality?”

“Look! I hate amateur psychologists. If you’re going to analyse me, I shall change my mind and leave.”

“I will learn. Make no mistake.”

Rafael shifted position, placed his hands on her swaying hips, and tried to lock eyes. Kat dropped her eyes out of reach, but her body unconsciously softened. Damn, he would doubtless home on it. Knowing it made her feel slightly crazy. No one except Rafael made her feel crazy.

The music ended, but his hand fluttered perilously close to her breast. She struggled to push him away but he wouldn’t allow it. “Let me go,” she hissed.

“And if I don’t?”

Kat stared at him. For a moment, while they danced, her guard had almost dropped. She must never be complacent, not with Rafael. She said rigidly, “Señor, I want to sit.”

“That was a dance and a half.” Rafael at last released her. “I don’t think you could be second best at anything. But there again, I always enjoy being with you, so I may be biased.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she said stiffly. “How can you say such a thing? We haven’t seen each other for years.” His voice had been hungry. Kat clasped her arms around her chest in a subconscious, protective move.

“I’m glad you stayed and danced.”

“And I think we know why.”

“And why’s that?”

“You know why.” She was perhaps too snappy, but fear made her that way.

“Tell me.”

Kat took a deep breath. “You have a reputation for notching-up scores on the bedpost.”

“Not justified.”

“Well, I have no intention of becoming another notch. Incompatible don’t you think? As you’ve already pointed out, you like to tackle the contradictory, so I don’t suppose you’d understand.”

“I’m no saint. There have been women, but if I performed as people say, I would have time for nothing else.” His brow furrowed. “Is that why you’ve been behaving strange? I can assure you, you have it wrong.”

Kat snorted. “Right or wrong, it’s of no interest to me.”

“Isn’t it?”

“I don’t care what you think or what you do.” She spun and made her way to the side. Damn, she was doing it again. What was she playing at? She was going to affect his decision if she wasn’t careful. No matter what he said, it was bound to have some effect. Why couldn’t she be more amenable?

“Señorita Bligh.” He caught with her. “Take care; your persona is on show.”

Katrina tightened her lips.

Rafael smiled with amusement. “With an attitude like yours, I’m surprised the business needs help. I’m amazed you haven’t pushed yourself to the very top, just to spite people.”

“Just listen to yourself. What do you know about struggle? Your life is gilt-edged.”

“Gilt-edged?” He laughed aloud. “Wealth is relative. Goals are always frustrated at the flip of someone else’s coin. No one is immune.”

“But the landing of your coin is softened by cotton-wool. You’ve been protected all your life.”

He studied her curiously. “We rarely get what we want out of life. I’m a past expert on that, believe me. Not having control of your own destiny is the curse of humanity. We all want independence, but no one has it. We sometimes fool ourselves we have, but we don’t.”

“That’s rubbish.”

“You think so? Being forced into doing things is a cross we have to bear. Do you imagine you’re the only one to suffer coercion?”

Suffer coercion? Was that his intention, to coerce her? Kat went cold. So far she hadn’t dared put it Copyright 2016 - 2024