Betrayed By Beauty - Ashley Lane Page 0,61

express they had to clean up after the night before.

Angel follows his gaze and releases his hold on his boyfriend. At first I wonder if he’s embarrassed, but I don’t have much time to consider the possibility. All thoughts are erased from my mind as Angel wraps me up in the biggest bear hug of the century.

My body reacts without consent from my mind and immediately snuggles deeper into the warmth of his bare chest.

“Morning, beautiful,” he whispers in my ear, and chills race along my spine in response.

My good morning is muffled in his shirt, but he hears it.

“Sleep good?” he questions, but before I can answer, another presence invades our bubble, and I watch mesmerized as Angel presses a gentle kiss on my brow before passing me into Jax’s arms.

Much like with Angel, my response to Jax’s embrace is immediate. His hold isn’t as tight as Angel’s was, but it holds more reverence. One hand is wrapped around the small of my back while the other cups the nape of my neck, his thumb drawing small circles against the skin there.

“Good morning,” he whispers before he leans down and presses his lips against my own in a chaste kiss.

He pulls away, but unlike with Angel, I don’t answer. Instead, I look around the room searching for some kind of clue that I’m not actually standing in the kitchen with Angel and Jax, but I’m in fact in a dream. My body is safe and sound in my bed at Shelly’s house. My search yields no answers. No talking cats or fire-breathing dragons. And there’s no sign of unicorns either.

In front of me, Jax chuckles under his breath. The deep husky tone has my body clenching in places that has my face turning red.

After breakfast, the guys refuse to let me help tidy up, saying I can shower and change while they do their household chores. I watch them argue back and forth playfully for a few minutes, Angel moaning that he hates washing dishes, and Jax refusing because he did them last time.

In the end, it comes down to a quick, but hot, play wrestling match on the kitchen floor, followed by a coin toss that lands Angel on washing duty. His pout is seriously adorable.

It has come to my attention that Angel and Jax are huge kids. To say I was shocked when I came out of the bathroom after my shower, and NERF Guns were spread out around the living room would be an understatement. Now, they’re both sitting on opposite sofas clicking their ammo clips into their sniper rifles and submachine guns, (NERF has come a long way since I was a kid) and I’m holding a bunch of orange tipped, foam ‘bullets’ in my hand trying to figure out how to shove them into a plastic clip that looks like it fell off and broke.

Seeing my current predicament, Jax takes pity on me—because Angel fights to the death, apparently—and shows me for the third time how to load my gun and shoot the bullets.

“So, you just slide it into the hole,” he says.

I can’t help laughing. “Into the hole… got it.”

He smirks. “Something funny, little one?”

“Who’s sliding into what hole?” Angel asks.

“No one and nothing,” I say.

He raises his brow. “Jax?” he questions.

“Baby, you can slide into my hole any day.”

Oh shit. My face is so hot I’m certain I’m going to catch fire any second. “Um… should I leave?” Say no. Say no. God, please say no.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m not sliding into his hole right now.” Angel smirks. “But,” Jax adds, “if you wanna know more about sliding into holes, we’re open to discussion. We are experts after all.” Then, he hangs some type of strap over my shoulder and tells me it’s for when I need extra ammo.

Angel’s goal—fight to the death.

Jax’s goal—stealth mode and sniper rifles.

My goal—hide until it’s over. Hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

Angel stands, slinging two long bright green and yellow toy guns over one shoulder. Over his other shoulder, he pulls on an ammo belt like mine. And shoved into both the front and back pockets of his jeans are spare bullets. Jesus Christ, he’s not playing around.

Jax isn’t much better, but he claims he never runs out of ammo because he uses it wisely. Meanwhile I’m having second thoughts about being thrust into the middle of this war.

“What are the rules?” I ask.

Angel and Jax laugh out loud. “Baby, in this Copyright 2016 - 2024