Betrayed By Beauty - Ashley Lane Page 0,20

I place a cocktail napkin in front of him.

Judge Dickson loosens his tie before he pushes a hand through his silver hair. “I do believe it’s a whiskey kinda night, my boy.” I grab a glass, thankful that he ordered something I actually have in stock.

“Here you go.” I set down his glass. “If you need anything else, Rhys here will help you out.” I leave the bar without a backward glance, and before Rhys can give me his ‘Don’t leave me alone’ look.

I stop in the office to grab my helmet and jacket before I lock the door behind me and head downstairs. Halfway down, I run into Shelly.

“Hey Shell. Everything alright?”

She glances down at my helmet and jacket. “Oh, I’m sorry, Angel. I didn’t realize you were leaving.”

Damn. I check my watch. “I’ve got a few more minutes. What’s up?”

Shelly steps back against the bannister and tucks her hair behind her ears. “I have a friend that’s fallen on hard times and she’s looking for a job.”

I throw my jacket over my shoulder while I consider her statement. Someone always has a friend who’s looking for a job, but here at Corrupt—as Shelly knows—there’s a big difference between ‘looking’ for a job, and ‘needing’ a job. The need is what matters.

“Can you tell me anything about her situation?”

She scrunches her nose. “Well—”

I cut her off. “What about her… can you tell me anything about her?”

Shelly tugs on the hem of her mini skirt before she looks up at me again. “Um… I kinda just met her. Honestly, I don’t know much about her other than she seems like a really good person, and I’d like to help her myself, but…” She shrugs.

I sigh. “You know how we work here, Shell. We try to keep our hires to those in desperate situations. Hiring someone who doesn’t meet those stipulations means we won’t have room when the next girl comes.” As the words come out of my mouth, I realise how bad they must sound. But without knowing this girl or her circumstances, it’s not an easy decision.

Her shoulders drop. “I know and I understand that—believe me. The only reason I thought it may work is because she doesn’t want to dance.”

My brow knits in confusion. “She knows this is a strip club, correct?”

Shelly nods. “She came in a little while ago, but Malcolm…” she trails off.

Fuck. I’m sick of hearing the dude’s name today. “Malcolm?” I question.

“He was a little… abrupt with her when she asked about a job.”

Why the hell wasn’t I told about this sooner? “What do you propose she do if she’s not going to dance?” My tone is harsher than I realize, but this shit with Malcolm needs to end. “Sorry, Shell.” I run a hand through my hair.

She beams. She knows I can’t turn away someone in need. “Anything. Clean, help behind the bar, send her where she’s needed.”

I check my watch. I really need to get out of here if I’m going to make it to Church by 10PM. “How about we test her out on a probationary period? Can she come in for a soft interview tomorrow night? Around 10?”

Shelly nods rapidly. “Thank you so much, Angel.” She leaps forward to hug me but stops at the last second and pats my chest. “You won’t regret it.” Cheeks blushing red, she steps back to let me pass her.

You won’t regret it. Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard those words before and lived in the aftermath of the regret.

“Alright, I gotta head out.” At the bottom of the stairs, I stop and turn back to Shelly. “Shit, wait. Can you help Rhys out behind the bar tonight? He’ll handle the cocktails and spirits; I just need you to grab bottles and tap orders.”

“Yeah sure, I don’t mind.” With another nod and a bright smile, she gives me a wave.

“Thanks Shell. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t forget—Ten pm for your friend.”

Before I leave, I stop by the girls dressing room. Once I’m satisfied that everyone is here and there are no problems, I head to my bike and shrug my jacket on as I go. Without a backward glance, I navigate my bike onto the road and ride toward the clubhouse.

Church is waiting. It’s time to vote.



Loose gravel from years of wear and tear on the old concrete road crunches beneath my truck’s tires as I pull into the parking space outside my mom’s house. My mom lives in a neighborhood a half step up Copyright 2016 - 2024