The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,65

warm congratulations and embraces from their family.

Nola wiped tears from her eyes as she drew her daughter close and kissed her cheek. “I feared that you were in love with love. But now I know that you are truly in love, not with an idea, but with a man who wants only what is best for you.”

“Aye. I’m so fortunate, Mum.”


Kylia hugged her grandmother and her sisters, before turning to accept congratulations from old Bessie and Jeremy.

Dougal was beaming as he kissed Kylia’s cheek. “I now have a sister.”

“And I have a brother. It is something I have long desired.”

With a grin Dougal caught Grant in a fierce bear hug. “You chose well, my brother.”

When the two stepped apart, Grant met his eyes and nodded. “I always choose well. Not only my wife, but my brother. For you are my brother, Dougal. If we were not born of the same mother, we were borne of the same blood. We are brothers of the heart. For now. For always.”

At his words, Hazlet, who had held back, strode forward and offered her hand. “I offer you my warmest wishes, nephew. This day I have been reborn. I can now die a happy woman.”

Grant took her hand and drew her close. “But can you…live a happy woman, Aunt?”

His question caught her by surprise, causing her to pull back. “What do you mean?”

“If you truly are reborn, there must be a reason for it. Perhaps you’re meant to learn how to live in joy for a change, instead of living always in grief.”

He saw the light of understanding in her eyes. “I believe you’re right, nephew. I mean to try.” She surprised them both by stepping close to press a kiss to his cheek.

As she started to back away, he drew her close and kissed her on the cheek. “There, now, Aunt, that didn’t hurt, did it? Perhaps when we return to Duncrune, you might allow Lord Giles to do the same.”

She merely stared at him in stunned surprise before turning to Kylia. “There is about you, my lady, a look of serenity that is most attractive.” She took her hands. Squeezed. “I hope you will teach me how to love, and forgive, and to find the peace and serenity that you’ve found.”

Kylia smiled. “I believe you’re already learning, Aunt Hazlet.”

Grant took his wife’s hand. “We must leave, my love, for my people…” He paused and smiled. “Our people are in need of us.”

“Aye.” She scooped up the wolf pup, and turned for a last look at her family, who were so dear to her.

“You’ll bring our Kylia back to us often, won’t you, my lord?” Nola called.

“You know I will, my lady, for I crave the peace and beauty of your kingdom as much as she.”

As Grant and Kylia joined hands with Dougal and Hazlet, Wilona began to chant the ancient words that would take them away. Soon Nola and her daughters joined in, sending them off in a chorus of song.

With the words ringing in their ears, they began to float high over the hills and valleys, over villages and wild, forested countrysides, until far below they spotted the familiar village of Duncrune, and just beyond, the castle.

As they began their descent, Grant drew Kylia close. “Welcome home, my love.”

Home. The word had her weeping again. But these were tears of such joy, for she was now where she belonged, with the man who had owned her heart from the beginning of her life. The man who would, she now knew, be with her until the very end of time.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-4313-2


Copyright © 2003 by Ruth Ryan Langan

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†Texas Series

* The Highland Series

** The Jewels of Texas

§The O’Neil Saga

‡Sirens of the Sea

††The Badlands

◊Mystical Highlands

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty


Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

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