The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,6


When they were gone, Wilona turned and saw her daughter watching their departure with a look of intense concentration. “You’re worried, my daughter.”

“Not so much worried, but…concerned.”

“You fear the stranger has brought danger to our door?”

“Nay. At least not physical danger. But he is most pleasant to look upon. I’ve seen the way Kylia watches him.”

“She’s unaccustomed to having a man to look at.”

“Aye. Or having a man look at her. I see him watching her, as well.”

“What is it you fear, daughter? That you’ll lose her to him?”

Nola was quick to shake her head. “If it were to be a love match, I would be greatly pleased. But ever since Allegra left our kingdom, I’ve seen a look in Kylia’s eyes. She yearns for someone of her own. Someone to touch her heart in that same way Merrick has touched Allegra’s heart. ‘’

“And you fear that Kylia is in love with the notion of love.”

Nola nodded. “Perhaps we were wrong to shelter the lasses from the outside world. They’re so innocent.”

“But not helpless. We’ve raised them to be strong and bright and independent. Now we must trust that we gave them all they need to survive. In our world or the other.”

Nola sighed. “I suppose it has always been a mother’s lot in life to trust that she did all that was necessary to help her children survive and thrive.”

Wilona drew an arm around her shoulders. “Come. Leave your loom for now, Nola. And your worries, as well. With Bessie’s help, let’s prepare a meal fit for a lord.”

Grant followed the two young women across a meadow abloom with wildflowers, the likes of which he’d never seen before. Acre upon acre of foxglove taller than his head, in the most vivid shades of red and orange and deep purple. The air was perfumed with heather and soft pink roses and exotic flowers unfamiliar to him.

High in the branches of a tree the glint of sunlight caught his eye and he looked up to see tiny creatures flitting from leaf to leaf. He stopped in midstride to stare.

“Do you see them?” he called.

Kylia and Gwenellen paused to look where he pointed.

“Fairies,” Kylia said matter-of-factly. “The woods are filled with them. They love to play among the leaves.”

“Fairies.” He stood perfectly still while the two sisters walked ahead. Then, seeing Jeremy watching him, he followed behind.

When he caught up with them they were standing on a hillside, whistling through their fingers. Minutes later two winged horses came flying overhead and landed gently in the grass, tucking their wings close to their heaving sides.

“Flying horses?” He knew his jaw had dropped, but he couldn’t contain his excitement as he hurried toward them. “Do they let you ride them?”

“Aye.” Kylia ran a hand over the muzzle of a coal-black horse with silver-tipped wings. “This is Moonlight. She’s been mine since I was but a wee lass.” She pointed to the white steed Gwenellen was mounting. “That’s Starlight. And this third, Sunlight—” she watched as a lovely golden horse glided to a halt beside the little troll “—belongs to our sister Allegra. In her stead, Jeremy rides with us.”

Grant shook his head in admiration as Jeremy and Gwenellen took to the air on their winged horses. “What I wouldn’t give for such a wondrous thing.”

Kylia touched a hand to his sleeve. “I’m truly sorry that our steeds are too small to carry you on their backs.”

Grant absorbed a jolt at her touch and closed a hand over hers. “You’ve no need to apologize, Kylia. It’s enough that I can see such a mythical creature.” Because the heat was threatening to scorch him, he released her hand and moved away to pet the horse. But the tingling remained.

As for Kylia, she stood perfectly still, wondering at the heat that rushed through her at the simple touch. Would she feel the same way if touched by any man? Or was it just this man who caused such feelings?

To cover her confusion, she lifted her head and shielded her eyes from the sun. “Look how high Gwenellen and Jeremy have flown.”

Grant followed her lead and looked to the heavens, stunned to see little more than two dark spots on the horizon. “How high can these creatures fly?”

She laughed. “I know not. We’ve never taken them to their limits.”

“You mean they might be able to reach the sun?”

Kylia shrugged and, feeling another rush of heat, quickly looked away. “Who’s to say where they might fly if we asked Copyright 2016 - 2024