The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,54

hiss of pain and sat up slowly, waiting for the room to stop spinning. She sucked in a breath and struggled to put her thoughts into words. “This makes no sense. Why wouldn’t it comfort you to know that Ranald’s last coherent thought before giving up his life was of you, Lady Hazlet?”

“I had no need of reassurance.” Hazlet backed away and began to pace, as though debating whether to run or remain. “I’d already had proof that he loved me.”

Confused, still reeling, Kylia pulled herself up and staggered, falling against the crypt Hazlet had been embracing. In the flickering light of a torch, she caught sight of the name carved on the crypt.

It bore the name of Stirling MacCallum.

As the letters danced in front of Kylia’s eyes, she shook her head and struggled to focus. Why Stirling? Why not Ranald?

“I don’t understand. I thought your grief was for Ranald, the great love of your life. Why do you weep over your brother?”

Suddenly defiant, Hazlet lifted her chin. “This is none of your affair. Perhaps I weep for lost lives. Lost dreams. Whatever the reasons, they are mine, and mine alone. I need no witch to look into my soul.”

“True enough. But what of the one who will judge you upon your death? Will you lie to heaven as well?”

“You would dare speak to me of heaven, when wicked souls like yours are condemned to hell for eternity?”

“Is that what you truly believe, Hazlet? Or is it merely what you want to tell yourself, for comfort?”

“I need no comfort. Not from the likes of you, nor from the things of this world.”

Kylia looked around wildly for a chance to escape, for she was convinced this woman was mad. Seeing that Hazlet was blocking her way, she realized that she needed a weapon with which to defend herself. With a flash of insight, it came to her. Though this was neither the time nor the place, she needed to uncover Hazlet’s secrets. They were the only weapons she needed.

Without warning, Kylia reached out and snatched the veil from Hazlet’s face. Quick as a flash she dropped to the floor.

“How dare you…?”

Rolling aside, Kylia pulled herself up along the rough stone wall and closed her hand around one of the torches that had been thrust into a niche. Holding it aloft, she stared into Hazlet’s icy eyes.

As their gazes locked, Kylia felt a jolt through her system. It was as though a dagger had been driven through her heart, sending her staggering backward until she came up against the cold stone of the crypt.

Seeing her pallor, Hazlet drew back and lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the light. “Nay. You’ll not work your witchcraft on me.”

“It’s too late.” Kylia’s tone was without inflection as she lowered the torch and allowed it to be snuffed in the dirt.

There was no joy in the knowledge she’d gained. In the space of a heartbeat she’d seen it all. The love. The hate. The reason for the shame. And the desperation of a woman in conflict with all she believed.

Alarmed at Kylia’s quiet resignation, Hazlet realized the worst. Could it be that this young woman was truly able to see into her soul?

She caught Kylia’s arm, her voice a desperate plea. “You cannot tell. You must not. Don’t you see? It will destroy us all.”

“Aye.” Kylia sank to her knees, too weak to stand.

Seeing it, Hazlet dropped to her knees beside her. “You’ll keep my secret?”

Kylia looked up and once again found herself sinking into the woman’s soul. She closed her eyes, wishing with every fiber of her being that she could erase all that she’d learned.

“I will not offer the truth. But if asked, I cannot lie. It is forbidden. For to do so, I would forfeit my gifts.”

“Your gifts? Is this all you can think of? What about the lives of all those who will be destroyed by the truth?”

“The choice was yours, Hazlet. All those years ago, you chose a lie. And that lie has been eating at your soul ever since.”

“What of it? It’s my soul. My life. You have no right to it.”

“That’s so, my lady. And I wish to heaven I’d never heard of you or learned your lie. But I’m here at the request of your nephew, who loves you like a mother.” The words had her covering her eyes with her hands to blot out the hideous irony. “And I’ll not add to your lie with Copyright 2016 - 2024