The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,44

the wooden tables to attract the attention of the harried servants.

“We demand an answer, m’laird.” The warrior’s voice was roughened by ale and anger. “Did ye tarry along the way with the witch? Is that why ye left yer people so long without protection?”

“You desire an answer?” When Grant’s hand went to the sword at his hip Kylia closed a hand over his.

Her voice was a low, quiet plea. “This isn’t the way, my love.”

“It’s the only answer I’ll give them. If they choose to turn against you, they turn against me, as…”

His words faded as a group of strangers strode into the great hall. At the sight of them, the crowd fell silent.

“I come seeking Laird Grant MacCallum.” The booming voice of the leader carried to the rafters of the hall.

Grant stepped closer. “I am the man you seek.”

The leader extended his hand. “I am Burke, laird of the clan Kerr. I was off in battle with an army of barbarians, and have only now learned that you and the lovely lady Kylia saved the life of my son, Ewald, and his wife and family. Had it not been for your kindness, I now know that they would have perished at the hands of the thieves who raided their flock and burned their cottage. My people told me of your goodness, and that of your lady. How the two of you stayed, without sleep or shelter, protecting them and their flock until my son was strong enough to be returned to his village. Even then you didn’t abandon him, but accompanied him home before taking up your journey once more.”

He turned and directed his men to step forward, bearing one cask of ale, and another of gold.

Grant couldn’t hide his astonishment. “You are too generous, Burke of the clan Kerr.”

“No more than you, my laird. For my son and his family are more precious to me than gold.” He looked beyond Grant to where Kylia watched in silence. “Is this your lady?”

“The lady Kylia of the clan Drummond.”

“Drummond?” Burke’s smile widened. “Your clan is ancient and noble, my lady. I have heard of your healing powers, and I am grateful.” He lifted her hand to his lips. Then he turned to Grant. “In gratitude for your kindness, I pledge my loyalty, and that of my warriors. Should you find your land under siege, you need only send word and we will come with all haste.”

He turned and, flanked by his warriors, began to withdraw.

“Wait.” Grant extended his hands. “Stay and refresh yourselves.”

The older man shook his head. “These are dangerous times in our Highlands. There are invaders everywhere. I dare not leave my clan without my protection.”

With that he strode from the hall.

In the stunned silence that followed, Dougal stood and faced the crowd. “Let this be an answer to any questions that linger. There can be no doubt that Grant MacCallum is the finest, noblest laird in the Highlands, for he risked his own life for that of a stranger in need. But besides being a noble laird, there’s also no finer brother in the Highlands than mine.” He raised his goblet. “To my brother. My laird.” He drained his ale before adding, “I pledge my heart and my sword.”

“As do I, lad.” Giles stood and raised his sword to the ceiling.

“As do I.” Finlay, looking grave, added his voice.

“Highlanders proud and free.” The men, caught up in the spirit of the moment, leaped up shouting the words over and over. Soon their women were standing as well, adding their voices to the chorus.

Grant looked over at Kylia and saw the glimmer of tears on her lashes. He caught her hand and drew her up beside him before brushing a kiss to her palm. “Why do you weep, my lady?”

“I worried over you, my lord. And yet what I hear now tells me that your people have great affection for their laird.”

He continued holding her hand in his as he acknowledged the cheers of his people. Then, as they finally took their seats, he leaned close to whisper, “I can’t allow myself to forget that there is one among them who would betray me. And, despite the will of the people, there is the Council to consider.”

“The morrow is soon enough to think about that, my lord.” She smiled up at him, her tears forgotten. “Tonight you should enjoy the fruits of your labors. For you have returned to the bosom of your people, and they will sustain Copyright 2016 - 2024