The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,32

for him, and when her fingers fumbled, he helped her until his clothing joined hers in the grass at their feet.

He caught her hands and drew her down to her knees, before gathering her close to press kisses to her upturned face. He struggled to bank his needs as he kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, the tip of her nose. He could feel her relax in his arms as he ran his fingers lightly down her back, drawing her even closer, until his body was imprinting itself on hers.

“Do you know how much I want you, Kylia?”

When she didn’t respond he drew her down, until she was lying beside him, with nothing but the cloak beneath to cushion her from the grass. “I would move heaven and earth for you, my lady. I would face the wrath of an army, or walk through a wall of fire, just to be with you.”

She reached a fingertip to his mouth, tracing the outline of his lips. “I ask none of those things, Grant. I ask only that you feel about me on the morrow the way you feel about me this moment.”

“I fear I cannot promise that, my lady.” His eyes took on a light that had her heart stopping. “For I know that on the morrow my feelings for you will be even stronger.”

“Oh, Grant.” Her heart soared at his words.

He moved over her, touching her, kissing her, with a skill that had her shuddering with need. And though at first she was timid, she had a powerful need to touch him, as well. And did, until she heard his moan of pleasure. That only made her bolder, until she pressed her mouth to his throat and was rewarded by a wolfish growl from low in his throat.

He leaned over her, his eyes hot. “I warned you, Kylia. Beware. For now that the wolf has been wakened, it will devour you.”

“I’m not afraid, Grant. For the wolf has been awakened in me, as well.”

They came together in a kiss that spoke of wild, primitive hunger. Of hard, driving need. Of desperate, raging passion. The forest that surrounded them no longer mattered. The night creatures that scurried through the brush were ignored. The wind that whispered in the leaves overhead went unnoticed. The darkness covered them with its mantle, shutting out the world. All they could hear was each labored breath. All they could feel was the heat that rose between them, clogging their lungs, leaving their bodies slick with sheen. All they could feel was this intense pleasure building, building with each touch, each kiss.

No man had ever touched her like this. One moment, so gently she nearly wept. The next, taking her on a wild climb until her heart was racing, her breath panting from between parted lips. Taking her higher, faster, until her head was spinning and her mind was so clouded she could no longer form a single coherent thought.

All she could do now was feel. The most incredible feelings as, with teeth and tongue and fingertips he drove her up and up until she thought she would go mad from the wanting. She didn’t think it possible to want more. But each time she believed him ready to end this terrible need, he simply took her higher.

“Grant.” His name was torn from her lips as she reached for him.

“Not yet, my love.” He thought of all the things he’d dreamed of since meeting her. But none of them could compare with this. She lay in his arms, steeped in pleasure. Moonlight filtered through the branches of the trees, turning the ends of her hair to blue-black. Her eyes were glazed with passion. He could read the desire that mirrored his own.

The thought of taking her hard and fast had him trembling. He was desperate for release from this terrible storm building inside. But he wanted to give her so much more. He was determined to make this first time as pleasurable as possible. And so he brushed her mouth with his until the breath trembled from her lips.

He knew if he didn’t soon end this torment, he would go mad. And still he waited, lingering over her lips until she arched toward him. The press of her body to his was his undoing.

With a hoarse cry he entered then. He felt her stiffen and went very still.

“Forgive me, my love. I never meant to hurt…”

She cut off his words by dragging his head down for another kiss. Copyright 2016 - 2024