The Betrayal - By Ruth Langan Page 0,15

He wondered if she had any idea what her touch was doing to him. A quick glance at her face showed the depth of her concentration. It nearly made him laugh aloud. Here he was, completely aroused, while she was oblivious to all but his wounds.

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’d make a fine physician, my lady.”

She continued probing, running her fingers over the flesh of his shoulder until she saw him wince. “Sorry. My sister Allegra is much better at this than I. I can tell that wound will need some time before it’s completely healed. Can you bear the pain?”

“It’s tolerable. Besides, when you touch me like this, I forget all about the pain.”

She glanced down and saw the dangerous smile curving his lips. “Forgive me.” Her heart took a quick dip and she abruptly withdrew her hand.

“Nay, my lady.” He caught her hand in his and continued holding it while her cheeks turned as red as the coals of the fire. “I enjoy teasing you.”

She touched a hand to her cheek. It was, indeed, warm. And there was no denying the smile that matched his. “Am I also allowed to indulge in this teasing?”

“By all means.” His grin was quick and disarming. “Though I doubt you could make me blush.”

Again that quick touch of her palm to her cheek. “I shall have to ponder this awhile, my lord.” She got to her feet. “Now I must find more wood for the fire, or we’ll soon be mired in darkness.”

He watched her walk away and wondered at the lightness around his heart. He’d been wounded by barbarians, and was confined to the Forest of Darkness, a place feared by all Highlanders. And here he was feeling like a lovesick lad with nothing more pressing than a stroll with his lass on market day. But this was no country lass. Though he had no doubt that she was as human as he, there was about her an other worldliness that both troubled and tantalized him. How could she know so much about some things while knowing so little about others? She seemed not at all uncomfortable examining his body for wounds, and yet she reacted with growing passion to his simplest touch.

He had no doubt that she was an innocent. A maiden completely unfamiliar with the ways of men and women. That only made her more appealing. But though he found himself wanting her, he felt an obligation to her family to return her as he’d found her. Untouched. Unsullied by the things of his world.

It was easy enough to resolve to do the right thing. Now if only he could remind his body to cooperate.

He closed his eyes and let himself drift on a sea of contentment. Another day of rest and he would surely be strong enough to ride. In no time they would be back in his Highland fortress. And the lovely Kylia would begin the quest for the one who betrayed him.

That was why she had agreed to accompany him to his home. He must keep her mission clearly in mind.

He must have slept, for when he opened his eyes, Kylia was cooking something over the fire. The wonderful fragrance perfumed the air.

He sat up, feeling the world spin for a moment before coming slowly into focus.

At once she looked over and, seeing him awake, hurried to kneel by his side. “How do you feel, my lord?”

“Much refreshed. But I beg your forgiveness, my lady. I’ve left you alone to do all the things I should be seeing to.”

She shook her head, sending midnight curls dancing. “You needed to rest. Besides, I’ve enjoyed testing my skill. While visiting the stream, the fish fairly jumped into my net.”

“Your net?” He looked around. “What did you use?”

Again that quick rush of color to her cheeks before she looked down, avoiding his eyes. “I used my petticoat.”

“Your…” He burst into laughter, which only had her blush deepening.

She got to her feet and started away.

Grant sat up, thinking to follow, only to discover that beneath the cloak he was naked. “Where is my plaid?”

“I’ll fetch it.” She hurried away and removed it from a low-hanging branch. As she approached she explained, “It was soaked with your blood. I had to scrub it with sand several times before I managed to get it clean.”

“That was kind of you.” He accepted it from her hands and began winding it around his waist, before standing to toss the Copyright 2016 - 2024