Betrayal (Infidelity Book 1) - Aleatha Romig Page 0,77

to meet our friend Alex.”

“Why, of course. Any friend of Cyrus Perry’s is a friend of mine.” She turned her attention to me and offered her hand.

As we shook, I said, “Ms. Flores, very nice to meet you.”

“Miss Collins, my name is Karen and I look forward to meeting you. Please…” She gestured toward the hallway. “…let’s go to my office. We must talk.”

Cyrus nodded as we began our trek toward Karen Flores’s office. On our way, we passed multiple large office centers filled with cubicles and workers as well as private offices. Once we’d successfully wound around what I could accurately describe as a maze and I’d begun to wonder if in order to ever find my way out, I should have left a trail of breadcrumbs, we came to another elevator. Instead of one button, Karen pressed a badge against a sensor and turned to Cyrus. “How is Patrick?”

“He’s well. Thank you for asking.”

When the doors opened we stepped into the elevator. “I believe I heard he’s doing very well at Kassee.”

“Yes,” Cyrus said, his shoulders broadening with pride. “He’s a talented designer.”

I stood attentive as they conversed about Patrick’s attributes and promise of success. The entire scene was surreal. If only I didn’t know the backstory, if only I didn’t know that Cyrus had met Patrick with the help of this woman and Infidelity, I could take everything they said at face value. Now, however, with my knowledge, everything I heard was skewed.

When the elevator moved, I knew we were moving upward, but how far up or the number of floors. The control panel had only two buttons: O and I. Karen had hit I. When the doors opened, I had the distinct impression we were now at the real Infidelity, the reason for our visit.

We were again met with a large glass desk, a receptionist, and the word Infidelity in beautiful scroll upon the wall behind her. The difference here, versus the other lobby, was that there was only one door beyond this woman and to pass through that door, a security code was required.

Karen’s office was lovely with a full wall of windows that looked out on the financial district and beyond to the Brooklyn Bridge. While Cyrus and I sat in the two chairs facing the desk, Karen asked, “Would you like anything to drink? Water, tea, coffee, perhaps something stronger?”

They both looked at me.

“I’m fine. Thank you.”

Karen settled behind her desk and opened a screen on her computer. “Alex Collins, twenty-three years old, soon to be twenty-four, recent graduate of Stanford University, graduated with honors, and currently enrolled at Columbia Law.” Her eyes widened. “Is that you?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Alex, tell me why Infidelity should consider bringing you into our fold.”

I sat straighter on the edge of my seat. “Ms. Flores, I’m not well versed enough with Infidelity to answer that question. I was given a brief synopsis of this company and what it does, but while it may be unusual, I’d prefer to learn more from you. While I’m intrigued, I have my future to consider. Besides the obvious financial benefit, I’d like to know what Infidelity can do for me.”

Karen smiled and sat back against her chair. “Yes, indeed.”

She continued to watch me as the silence grew. Finally, when I didn’t speak, she leaned forward and began, “I’m sure from the brief description that you received you have questions. Miss Collins, let me make this clear, at Infidelity we do not sell sex. That is not what Infidelity is about. I’d like to get that misconception off the table right away. At Infidelity our clients buy class, poise, companionship, and compatibility. Our clients are exclusive and successful. Our employees are confidential and classified. Currently, we have over one hundred employees in extremely high-profile relationships. Whether the client is a CEO, politician, or in the arts, no one, not even their closest friends and family, know where they found their significant other. The beauty of our service is that relationships take time. If a client is high profile, every potential partner is under suspicion. Here at Infidelity, we guarantee that nothing will ever be disclosed. That is one of the reasons that we are very selective as to whom we employ.

“I’ll be honest, Miss Collins. You are many things, but your life goal is what makes you a potential candidate for Infidelity. Yes, you’re beautiful. You’re also young. Youth spurs beauty. I can find beautiful women in every city or town in the country. Copyright 2016 - 2024