Betrayal (Infidelity Book 1) - Aleatha Romig Page 0,24

don’t care whom you work for. Your time is almost up.”

“I’m not married.”

My jaw tightened. “I don’t see married men and I detest liars.”

He took another step towards me. “Charli Moore, I also don’t explain myself… to anyone. I want you to listen and listen closely.” He seized my shoulders. Before I could protest he continued, “I’m not married. I was. I won’t elaborate any more than that. You’re right that I took the ring off recently. I took it off for you—for our dinner. I didn’t take it off because I’m cheating on someone. I took it off so that you wouldn’t get the wrong impression.”

With my face tilted toward his, I stared at his mouth and listened to his words. When he paused, I said, “I-I don’t understand.”

The lips I’d been watching forcibly captured mine, pulling me upward, closer to his mouth, his chest, and to him. Nox reached for the back of my neck, his fingers lacing through my long hair, holding me captive as his other arm wrapped around my waist. My hands flew to his chest as a moan escaped my lips and fire surged through me. The electricity of his earlier touch was but a spark to the wildfire that was growing inside of me. If I fought his actions, I couldn’t remember.

Beneath the palms of my hands, I felt the erratic beat of his heart. He felt the same attraction that I did. The magnetic pull was too hard to resist. Finally, I pushed against his chest, needing air and space. “Nox…”

“I’m no longer married. I swear.”

I stared up at his handsome face, and sucking my bruised lips between my teeth, I searched for any sign of deceit. I barely knew this man, yet, the way my body melted against his, I wanted to know him. I wanted to believe him.

When I didn’t respond, he asked, “Do you believe me?”

“I want to,” I answered honestly.

He caressed my cheek, the softness of his touch a stark contrast to the fervency of his kiss. “I had no idea what happened—why you left. You were there with me, and then you were gone.”

I shook my head, trying to recall his words. “You said ‘Mrs. Witt was right.’ What did you mean by that?”

“She said that something upset you and asked me what I’d done.”

“I thought you didn’t answer to people?”

“Mrs. Witt isn’t people. She’s also not my boss.”

I smiled. “I didn’t think she was, but she is someone?”

“She is.”

“But you won’t tell me?” I asked. When he didn’t answer, I tried another question. “How did you find me?”

He tugged my hand and pulled me toward the sofa. As we sat, he said, “You mentioned your sister’s name was Chelsea and that your reservation was under her name.”

His recollection of my dishonesty reminded me that I didn’t deserve to know any more about him. “Nox, we said one week, with no commitment. If you swear that you’re not married, if I can trust that, then I don’t need to know any more.”

I melted toward his lips as they again captured mine. With my chest against his, the soft fabric of the robe did little to hide my sensitive nipples.

His gaze dropped to where our bodies touched and his smile grew. “I swear.” The thunder of his tone pulled me toward him as he teased the neckline of my robe. “Charli…” He lifted the end of my hair. “…you were stunning tonight at dinner. But now, here…” He caressed my cheek. “…is the beautiful woman I saw at the pool. I’d like to do all I can to learn more about you and those limits we discussed. If I only have a week, I don’t want to waste any more time.”

Mutely, I nodded.

“Besides not seeing married men, tell me your hard limits.”

“I-I don’t know,” I answered truthfully.

“MRS. FITZGERALD, WOULD you like a glass of wine?”

“Mimosas, for me and my daughter.”

“Right away, ma’am.”

Mother and I settled into large comfortable chairs as we lowered our feet into the warm bubbling baths. From the reception we’d received, it was obvious that every employee of the private spa knew my mother, the great Adelaide Montague Fitzgerald.

“Darling,” she said, with just the right amount of Southern twang, “please watch what you say, especially around Alton. Dear, you know how busy he is. He doesn’t deal well with petty comments.”

Copper filled my mouth as my teeth increased the pressure upon my tongue. I’d promised Jane that this visit would come and go without incident. Copyright 2016 - 2024