Betrayal (Infidelity Book 1) - Aleatha Romig Page 0,19

your rescue.”

“I’m sure you would have. Maybe I stepped in for selfish reasons?”


“Well, yes. I enjoy having you indebted to me.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Indebted? Tell me, Nox, what else do you enjoy?”

The glint in his eyes spoke volumes, but instead of answering, he asked, “Was that your sister? The blonde who went off with Max’s friend?”

“Yes, and believe it or not, he tried to get her to pay for his drink.”

Nox’s brow arched in triumph.

“Yes,” I admitted. “You were obviously right. However, she did see through him.”

“Then perhaps my intervention was unnecessary.”

I shrugged. “If you hadn’t rescued me, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

It was Nox’s turn to shrug. “I assure you, that even before Max’s clumsy attempt to play you, you had my attention this morning. That doesn’t happen often. I also assure you, if I wanted you to be here, with or without my intervention, you would be.”

“Only if you broke that rule about your cape,” I said, trying for some levity.

“No,” he answered, with all seriousness. “I don’t break rules, and I don’t appreciate it when others do either.”

I was afraid to look down, fearful that my increased heart rate was made visible by the bouncing of the silver chain between my breasts. “Why, Nox, you seem rather confident of yourself.”

“Yes, Charli, I am.”

I reached for my wine and worked to steady my pulse. I shouldn’t be here. Nox was the type of man I purposely avoided at Stanford. The campus was full of them: strong secure men, men who knew what they wanted and took it. There was something in their demeanor that frightened me. It wasn’t their need for power or control. I had that too. In the right situation I was confident and driven. No. The reason I avoided them was because of what was happening to me on the patio of the presidential suite of the Del Mar. With each of Nox’s words or phrases, my insides tightened to the point of pain.

Stupidly, the pain itself didn’t frighten me. What scared me was that an undeniable part of me liked it. It was the part of me I’d suppressed as Alex. The energy Nox radiated electrified me, bringing to life a forbidden desire that I didn’t want to acknowledge.

Successful women stood on courthouse steps and spoke with poise and determination. They studied hard, worked tirelessly, and made a name for themselves. Alex Collins didn’t need a Mrs. in front of her name or a man standing beside her. She had a future built on her own blood, sweat, and tears.

She shouldn’t be a woman who melted at the sound of a deep voice. A successful woman didn’t go to dinner with a stranger just because he told her to. Nor did they dampen their panties at the mere suggestion of what else he may tell her to do.

Panic boiled deep inside of me, erasing Nox’s words. For a moment I was a voyeur watching the scene as a silent movie. With the faint lighting highlighting the railing, the illumination of the pool, and the glow of the candle, I saw the movement of his lush full lips, but I couldn’t hear the words. My attention was focused on the small shadows that chased across his high cheekbones and in the hollows of his eyes.

Nox reached across the table as my name echoed through the salty air.

“Charli? Charli?” The name was spoken each time louder than the one before. “Are you feeling ill?”

“What?” I shook my head. Perspiration dripped between my breasts as a chill settled over me. “I-I’m sorry. I don’t know…” I didn’t know how to finish the sentence. Four years in one of the most acclaimed colleges and suddenly I was inarticulate.

“Give me your hand.”

Mindlessly, I obeyed.

“Let’s go inside. Maybe it’s the chill.”

I stood, allowing Nox to guide me back into the suite. With only the slight pressure of his large hand in the small of my back I became his puppet.

“B-But our dinner?”

“Don’t worry. Mrs. Witt will bring it inside. If you’re feeling up to it, we can finish it in here.”

Hugging my midsection and calming the thoughts in my head, I nodded.

Once we were inside, Nox removed his suit coat and placed it over my shoulders. The intoxicating scent of cologne filled my senses. I wondered how I hadn’t noticed it outside. It must have been the breeze. With the soft satin covering my shoulders, I was enveloped in a woodsy scented cloud. Nox led me to a Copyright 2016 - 2024