Betrayal and Redemption - Abby Ayles Page 0,62

she has accepted your apology at all. And what about Clarissa? I had heard the Rutherfords might not be able to attend.”

“You heard correctly. They were not present, but speaking of balls … I was thinking…”

“Oh?” she asked after he did not continue.

“Well, would it be too much trouble to host a ball? Here, I mean, at Bartlett Manor?”

“You want to have a ball here?” Sylvia asked, seemingly delighted with the idea, but surprised he had been the one to suggest it.

“Yes, I do. Perhaps we could have a masquerade ball, or something like it.”

“That sounds like a splendid idea! I will take care of all the preparations; just leave it to me. It has been a while since I arranged a masquerade, so I will quite enjoy it. Do you have any particular theme in mind?”

He thought for a moment before shaking his head. “No, I don’t have a theme in mind. I’m sure you can come up with something suitable.”

“I will start planning it today,” she replied with a nod.

He could tell her mind was already starting to work out the details, but he had one more thing he wanted to mention before leaving her. “Wonderful. I do have one request, though,” he said, pausing to ensure he had her attention. “I want to make sure you send an invitation to Irvington Manor.”

“Do you think they will come?” she asked doubtfully. Certainly, Walter had said his apology had been accepted, but that didn’t mean Georgiana would want to be anywhere near him.

“I think they will,” he replied, trying to sound more confident than he felt. “She mentioned we might be friends…”

“I see. And you are certain she meant what she said and was not simply trying to be polite?”

“Yes,” he replied with more confidence, as he met his mother’s eyes. “And I really hope she accepts.”

She kept her gaze on him as she asked, “And you do not think you should give her a little … time? Perhaps to concentrate more on Miss Rutherford for the time being?”

Walter had to look away. Should I tell her everything? What would she say if I told her I do not intend to pursue Miss Rutherford, now I have realized I am still in love with Georgiana?

“Walter? Please, say something, even if you don’t wish to tell me what is bothering you.”

He sighed before looking back at her. “I am still in love with her,” he said, certain she would know immediately who he meant.

“I see…” she replied thoughtfully.

They ate in silence for a while, and he watched the expressions on her face, trying to gauge her reaction to his statement. He watched as concern, disappointment, thoughtfulness, sympathy, and a myriad of other emotions flickered across her face in quick succession.

Finally, he heard her sigh. “Do you mean to ask to court her again? After all this time?”

“I would like it more than anything in the world. However, for now at least, I want to work on being better friends with her. I want to get to know her again and to let her get to know me.”

There was another long silence, and then, she quietly asked, “And if she doesn’t accept you?”

“Then … then I must try to move on.”

Sylvia sighed again. “You do know Clarissa Rutherford will likely find someone else who is interested in her, don’t you? She is not going to wait long, especially if she sees you paying attention to another woman.”

“I know,” he replied. He waited for a while, expecting his mother to tell him he wouldn’t find another girl as sweet or as well-connected as Miss Rutherford if he waited around too much longer.

However, she instead replied, “Just don’t wait forever, dear.”

“I won’t. I know I need an heir, and I intend to get one,” he assured her, pleased she was not going to scold him or try to insist he continue to pay attention to Clarissa Rutherford while his heart was with Georgiana Montgomery.

“Very well. Now, as for the ball, I will try to send out the invitations by tomorrow morning, and I will send one to Irvington Manor. Just leave everything to me.”

Soon, they were both finished with their meals and went their separate ways, Sylvia to start preparations for the masquerade ball, and Walter to visit the music school his father had founded.

Though having no talent in music on his own account, he wanted to expand the small school if he could, as his father had planned to do. That was Copyright 2016 - 2024