Before - Bethan-Kris Page 0,22

stared at her like he was ready to fuck her right where she stood; as though she was some prize he could claim with his cock or hands or mouth. Any and all of it, she was up for it. With him? Why not?

Look at him.

“What is it with us and hallways?” she asked, hearing the tremor of want racing through her voice like the way her heartbeat thundered at the pulse in her throat. “We’re always ending up in one.”

“Do we?”

“Oh, you forgot what you did to me right outside my door in the hallway?”

Lev laughed a dark sound that dripped over her senses like warm, dark chocolate. “Sweetheart ... Gigi, I didn’t forget a second that I spent with you. That would be impossible.”

And just like that, he took her breath away.

He didn’t have to try.

“You’re something else,” she told him. “Something special, maybe.”

Lev shook his head. “I don’t think so. Look around—here I am, twenty-four, stuck in a place like this, working for a guy like Nickie ... taking home some random girl because it’s all I have time for.”

Gigi arched a brow. “Does twice make it random?”

That made him pause.

“You know I can’t do anything more than this, right? If you came around tonight looking for me because you think I’m in a place to offer you anything more than a night, Gigi ... I can’t. I’m not even in a place where I’m doing a great job of taking care of myself.”

“I’m not asking for more.”

She couldn’t.

Her life was in upheaval, too. Maybe in a different way than his, sure. That didn’t change her circumstances or that she couldn’t afford to get involved with Lev on a deeper level than they currently were together. She didn’t mind his honesty, and if anything, appreciated it.

“And hey,” she said, leaning in close so that her lips brushed his as she spoke, “I don’t mind the building. Or the man I came here with tonight. Don’t worry about it. My mom told me once that it doesn’t really matter where you are or have been because it’s all about where you’re gonna be someday. I try to keep it in mind. You should, too.”

Lev made a noise in the back of his throat. “That’s quite a dream to believe in.”

“It’s a dream that happened to me. Why couldn’t it happen to you?”

Something in her words spurred him to crush his mouth against hers in a bruising kiss that yanked the breath from her lungs. Those hands of his left the wall to find her jaw and his warm palms slipped down to cup her throat, too. Pushing her head to tilt back against the wall, that kiss and those teeth of his traveled down her throat, pulling moans from her chest with every inch he tasted.

And each time, she pulled him closer and pushed into him. Before she knew it, the two of them were acting like a pair of teenagers in yet another apartment building hallway. They couldn’t get close enough. Couldn’t touch enough. Couldn’t get enough. Without shame, she widened her legs again to get his grinding hips closer to her aching center.


All of her ached.

“Are we going inside yet?” she gasped when his kiss trailed over her earlobe, and his pleased hum had her pussy clenching and likely soaked. His hands slipped up under her crop top, and the deep yes that came out of his mouth when he found her tits bare of any bra had her whimpering, knowing how this was going to end. With a good, hard fuck. Exactly what she wanted, too. “Inside, remember?”

She had to remind him.

Or else she was going to forget.

His hands flattened to her rib cage when another of his hard kisses landed on her mouth. Her tongue sought his, lips parting to take him in and find that taste of him, too. She adored the way he kissed her. It overwhelmed her senses in a way that made her forget about the rest of the world around them.

“Lev,” she breathed against his next, softer kiss, “Inside. Now.”

Before they caught a charge together. It was like she couldn’t control herself with him, and he didn’t even bother to try, either.

“Can’t wait to get you stripped and on your fucking back in my—”

“Could I help the two of you with something tonight?”

At the new voice, Gigi’s back slammed hard against the wall. Lev, on the other hand, chuckled at the raspy tone coming from behind him to the Copyright 2016 - 2024