Beta's Love (Irresistible Omegas #8) - Nora Phoenix Page 0,1

and brother came with me.”

Sando frowned as he tried to remember who the beta was related to. “Your brother is the big alpha, right? The gruff security guy?”

Sando had met him, and to be honest, he was a little scared of the man. Not only was he practically twice Sando’s size, but he was also one of the few alphas that had come across as arrogant.

“Yes, that’s Bray. He’s all bark but doesn’t bite, so don’t worry about him. He can be a total overbearing asshole, don’t get me wrong, but he means well.”

“How does that work, being an asshole but meaning well at the same time?”

Lucan laughed. “It’s a gift Bray has.” His face sobered. “He’s not good with words. He says shit that will come across as being an ass, but his heart is in the right place. He just has a hard time expressing it the right way.”

“And your father? Is he the older alpha with the two boys?”

Sando had flipped through his mental catalog of all the men on the ranch, and the man he’d overheard having sex for three days straight was the only one he could think of who would be old enough to be Lucan’s father. Talk about an awkward first encounter, sheesh. He’d remember those sounds for a long time.

Lucan’s expression became tight. “Yeah, that’s him.”

Sando stayed quiet. Should he acknowledge the beta’s change in mood? Or was it something he was supposed to ignore? Not for the first time, Sando wished his father’s teachings had included more practical topics, like social skills.

But Lucan apparently saw it as a silent invitation to explain. “That with those two boys is new. He only told me and Bray four days ago.”

“Judging by your expression, you’re not happy about it.”

“God, no. I think it’s ridiculous and wrong. Did you know they’re younger than me? Lars is twenty-two, Sven only twenty. He’s practically a kid.”

He spit out the last words with a venom Sando wouldn’t have expected from the beta. “It’s not unusual for omegas to be married that young. In fact, the average age for omegas who get married is twenty.”

“That may be so, but they’re young enough to be his kids. You don’t think that’s wrong?”

The beta’s eyes were blazing, giving Sando a clear message as to what the expected answer would be. Or at least, the most welcome answer. But he didn’t lie, not even if social norms demanded it. “No, I don’t. They’re of age, and if it’s all consensual, I don’t see a problem.”

“They’re brothers,” Lucan pointed out, but his voice had lost most of the steam. “Well, adopted brothers, technically, but legally, they’re brothers.”

“That’s unusual,” Sando agreed. “But it’s not against the law, and if their father doesn’t object…”

Lucan shifted in his seat, looking away for a moment. “I don’t think they had a good relationship with their father,” he mumbled. “Maybe that’s why they need my dad to be their… Never mind. I guess I’ll have to get over it because my father wasn’t very open to hearing about Bray’s and my objections.”

Sando shrugged. “He’s a grown man, and both of you are adults as well. Not sure why he’d need your permission.”

Lucan’s face relaxed, and one corner of his mouth pulled up in a half smile. “You don’t mince words, do you?”

Sando looked sheepish. “My social skills are underdeveloped. Sorry?”

Lucan’s smile widened. “Don’t be. It’s refreshing, actually. At least people know exactly where they stand with you.”

That sounded like a compliment, like it was a good thing. Sando would take it. “Thank you.”

Lucan waved his hand dismissively. “Enough about me and my issues. How are you doing here? You must be worried sick about your father… Which, by the way, you could’ve totally used to guilt trip me when I bitched about my father. That I at least had my dad here with me.”

Sando grinned. “I’ll remember that for next time.”

Lucan winked at him, then grew serious again. “But seriously, how are you holding up?”

Sando sighed. That question wasn’t easy to answer, since it had so many layers. “Physically, I’m fine. Everyone has been super nice, and I have everything I need in terms of food, clothing, and a place to stay. They’ve given me a spacious room so I can work as well, and they’ve been encouraging about my progress so far.”

Lucan’s eyes were kind. “And emotionally?”

Sando was quiet for a long time. “I miss him,” he finally said. “It’s hard to explain because my life has Copyright 2016 - 2024