The Best Man Plan - Jaci Burton Page 0,97

don’t be afraid to ask.”

“Thanks. I’ll let you know.”

And maybe Jason wouldn’t wait to be asked.

Because that’s what friends were for. Something he needed to be better at. Especially for Owen. Because with one conversation, everything had changed. And right now, no matter what had happened, or how he felt about Erin, it was Owen who needed him.



ERIN HAD SLIPPED out of work a few hours early on Tuesday to go with Owen for his treatment appointment. She’d finally told her family everything about what had gone down with Owen, and even her father had mellowed.

“If that boy needs anything, we’ll do it,” her dad had said, which was completely different from his earlier sentiments of wanting to throttle Owen.

“Does he want you to go with him?” Brenna had asked as Erin packed up a tote bag filled with healthy snacks.

“Well, no, but he might like some company. And his parents both work, so the more people diving in to share the load, the easier it’ll be on everyone. Plus, I can spare a few hours.”

“We all could,” Honor said. “So if you need me to pitch in, just let me know.”


She knew Owen hadn’t asked for help, but she couldn’t just sit by and do nothing. And she’d already talked to Owen’s mom, Gwen, and gotten all the info on his cancer treatment. After, they’d both cried with each other on the phone.

Gwen had told her she appreciated how forgiving she was about how Owen had handled abruptly canceling the wedding. And they’d both talked about how angry they were with Owen about him not coming clean with them about his diagnosis. At least Erin and Gwen were on the same page about that. But that was a done deal, and couldn’t be changed. Erin had to put that part in the past. The most important thing now was to get Owen healthy again, so he could have a future.

Owen was shocked to see her when she showed up in the waiting room at the cancer treatment center.

“I thought my mom was meeting me here.”

“She has a meeting. And I’m helping you out today.”

He frowned. “You know, I don’t need a babysitter. Treatment days are typically fine.”

“Uh-huh. I’ve done a ton of research, and sometimes you get nauseated, plus this is your long treatment day, and you need food.”

He cocked his head to the side. “There are vending machines.”

She rolled her eyes. “Snacks don’t count. I brought you a sandwich and soup and some healthy snacks.”

His lips curved. “You? Did extensive research? I’m so shocked, Erin.”


They called Owen’s name, so she followed behind as they entered the treatment area. She watched closely as the tech took his vitals and weight. He’d lost twelve pounds since before the wedding. Wow, that was a lot. Owen was tall, but always a bit on the lean side, so the weight loss was noticeable.

They went to a cubicle, where he had a nice comfortable lounging chair. She took a seat in the available chair while his nurse, Layla, hooked him up to the IV. He’d get a bag of fluids first, then the chemotherapy drugs. Erin had been doing a lot of research, plus, she asked Layla a few questions and she was nice enough to answer them.

“How many of these have you had?” she asked after Layla left.

“I do a longer treatment, then the following week a shorter treatment. Then I have a week off to recover. I’ve had two complete rounds so far.”

“How have you been reacting?”

“Good. A little tired. Some nausea. Not too bad. This week where I get the longer treatment seems to be the one that wears me down the most. But I’m still able to get through work. Then I go home and pass out.”

“But you need to eat.”

“Mom takes care of that. She’s been bringing dinner over to my apartment.”

She studied him. “Maybe you should consider moving back home for a while. Just while you’re undergoing treatment.”

His lips curved. “You’ve been talking to my mom, haven’t you?”


“Because she suggested the same thing. And, no, I’m good at the apartment for now. I like being by myself.”

“You shouldn’t be alone. Not right now.”

“If it gets too hard to do it alone, I’ll hang out with my parents. But I’ve got this, Erin. My oncologist seems to think I’ll only have to do one full course of treatments. He has high hopes that’ll take care of it.”

“I hope so.”

“Hey, no one told me we were having a party Copyright 2016 - 2024